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Jungkook got Julia ready for school. He brushed her hair and put a pink headband on her head. He picked her up and put her in her booster seat. He drove her to school. He walked her inside and signed her in. She was then taken to her new classroom. Jungkook went to work. Her new homeroom teacher was at the front of the classroom greetings all the students. Once he saw her, he smiled.

Jimin: stand by me sweetie. I'll take you to your seat.

Somi: okay.

After everyone was marked present, Jimin held Somi's hand and walked to the front of the classroom.

Jimin: Okay class, we have a new student today. Her name is Somi. She just moved her so be respectful and kind. Okay?

The whole class said okay. He took Somi to her seat which was in the front of the classroom. Her seat partner was another little girl named Yuna.

Yuna: hi. I'm Yuna. Nice to meet you.

Somi: hi Yuna.

Yuna: Mr. Pretty said I had to catch you up.

Somi: that's his last name?

Yuna: yup.

Somi: ooh. He is pretty.

Yuna: yeah. He is.

His students all. Love him. They started to learn the alphabet. He was going to teach them numbers tomorrow.

Jimin: you guys all think you got it?

The class all said yes.

Jimin: say it without me then.

He pointed to the letters. They all repeated it. Jimin clapped.

Jimin: good job! Everyone gets a sticker!

Yuna: he never yells at us or punishes us. Even when that one annoying boy in our class yelled out "I like your belly button" to Mr. Pretty. He didn't like when he said that. He just told him to never say that again.

Somi: ooh.

Jimin passed out stickers to everyone. They all put it on their little chart. The sticker was a little star. Once you put it on, you get a point. Somi's chart was empty because she was new. Jimin went over to her.

Jimin: you seem like a sweet girl. I know it. Your chart will be filled up in no time.

Somi smiled.

Somi: thank you Mr. Pretty.

Jimin: that's not my name dear but thank you.

Somi: what is it?

Jimin: Park.

Somi: I like Mr. Pretty better. You are pretty.

Jimin: thanks sweetie.

Somi: you're welcome.

Jimin: you have manners. That's adorable.

Somi: my appa taught me manners.

Jimin: he sounds very nice.

Somi: he is. I have a picture of him.

Jimin: aww. Can I see?

Somi showed Jimin the photo. It's Jungkook holding Somi. They were taking a picture together. Jimin noticed how handsome her dad was. He smiled.

Jimin: you look like your dad. You're pretty and he's handsome.

Jimin was obviously gay. Openly gay. One of his students asked him if he was for how he dresses. He doesn't wear anything revealing. He wears shirts that show his belly button a little bit. He wears sweaters over the shirts but it doesn't cover his waist. The school allows it so it's fine. He wears leggings sometimes or jeans that are school appropriate of course. Usually cuffed at the bottom. Unlike his sexually, they're straight. Jimin today was wearing leggings and a white half shirt. Doesn't show too much skin. He was also wearing a black sweater.

Mr. Pretty ♡jikook♡ 18+Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat