
Outside the warehouse, Ethel and Kristian noticed Jessica and a small group of exorcists heading toward the back of the warehouse. They stepped out of the Jeep and placed themselves between the exorcists and the warehouse. The tension was palpable, as both groups refused to back down.

"Ah, Ethel," Jessica sneered, her curly hair whipping around her face. "It was stupid of you to come out of hiding."

"You know why I'm here" Ethel retorted, her brown eyes narrowing. "You know we want the same thing. Do try to act like you are somehow better than us, we both intend on killing someone tonight. Using a book as an excuse for it doesn't mean it isn't murder, at least I own my actions."

"A demon giving us a lesson on morality, I've heard enough!" one of the exorcists shouted, and suddenly two Tasers were aimed at Ethel. They fired simultaneously, but just before the currents reached her, Ethel's eye turned to a dazzling emerald color as time froze around her.

Ethel moved quickly snatching the two exorcists and hurling them aside before time snapped back into place. The remaining exorcists turned their attention to Kristian, shooting him multiple times. To Ethel's surprise, he didn't heal.

"Those bullets are soaked in holy water," Ethel gritted out, clenching her fists. "You need to run now!"

"I'm not going anywhere," Kristian grunted. With all his determination he tapped into his control over water, he summoned a torrential downpour from the sewers that forced the exorcists to retreat to their cars. Kristian faltered slightly from the pain but kept the water pressure up, Ethel knew it was only a matter of time before he succumbed to his wounds.


Inside the warehouse, the music pounded and glow sticks waved, as dancers lost themselves to the music. Boon finally entered the party, his long red hair swaying in time with the rhythm.

"Hey there, handsome," Olivia purred, sidling up to him and grinding her body against his. The sultry smile on her full lips hid the tension in her dark eyes, she needed to keep Boon distracted.

"Get off of me, I don't have time for you," Boon said, pushing away from her. His gaze seemed to be more focused on the dancers, his movement jerky.

"Oh come on, don't you have time for just one dance?" she said, batting her lashes innocently as she continued dancing, skillfully keeping Boon from moving forward.

John took advantage of Boon's distraction to weave through the dancers, his brown eyes locked onto Boon's back. He clutched the anesthesia syringe tightly in his hand, feeling almost grateful for Zack trusting him with this, John could feel the adrenaline surging through his veins, this was it, his chance to end it right here and now.

John moved in to strike, his focus solely on Boon. Suddenly, something sharp pierced his side, causing him to gasp and freeze in place. Olivia experienced the same sensation, her face contorting in pain as their movements stuttered to a halt.

"Wh-what was that?" John asked through gritted teeth, scanning the crowd for any sign of their attacker.

"Venom," Olivia whispered, recognizing the creeping weakness that began to spread through her limbs. She realized Sloth was here, watching to make sure Boon carried out the task, she scanned the crowd but couldn't make out who their attacker was.

"John, he's changing," Olivia shouted, her voice strained. Boon had frozen in place, as his skin became translucent.

"Right," John fought through the pain and lunged forward. He caught up to Boon and plunged the syringe of Paulina's potion into the side of his neck, pushing down on the plunger with all his might. "Sorry, mate," he grunted as Boon's eyes widened in shock before his body began to slump as the potion took effect.

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