Chapter 16

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Soobin was shocked. He completely forgot about his birthday, as his mind was still on lia. Jin and jisoo came and hugged him and wished him a happy birthday.

Yeonjun bought a cake, placed it infront of soobin, lighted up the candle.

Ryujin: Come one soobin make a wish, and blow your candles.

He closed his eyes, and not after a min he opened his eyes and blew the candles. Once agian every body started to clap.

Soobin: When did u guys did this?
Yeonjun: when you were inside the room with lia, then we  prepared all this.
Soobin: Thank u so much u guys.
Yeji: Dont thank us much.  Thanks lia, who made this plan.

Soobin looked at her, who was standing in distant. He mouthed ' Thank u ' to her. And she just nodded with a smile.

After eating some cake, the elders went to their rooms as they were tired, and tomorrow was going to be a big day for them.

The rest went outside in the lawn and were talking about their past. Their were three sofas. So at one lia and soobin were sitting. On the other were Yeonjun and yeji. And on the third one were Beomgyu and Ryujin.

They all were talking when lia put her head on Soobin's shoulder. He looked at her and asked in a low voice which only she could hear.

Soobin: Are u okay?
Lia: Yup just  a little tired.
Soobin:  do u want to go back to your room.
Lia: Ani I'm okay. And besides i want to stay with you.

While hugging his arm tightly.

Beomgyu: So when did u guys started to date?
Soobin: I think 3 days earlier.
Ryujin: Wow! So who did it first? To confess his feelings.
Lia: It was soobin who did it.
All: What?
Lia: Crazy right. And here i thought i was alone in this love.
Yeonjun: But why didn't u told us about it soobin?
Soobin: Cuz i was not that sure.

After some time Yeji, Ryujin, Beomgyu and Yeonjun went back to their room. Soobin and lia were still sitting their.

Lia: Happy birthday soobin!

While giving him a peck on lips.

Soobin: Thank u but this is not fair?
Lia: Why what happened?
Soobin: I'm the birthday boy, and you didn't gave me a gift, or a proper kiss. Thats not fair.

Lia laughed at his cuteness. She kissed him and he kissed her back. The kiss was full of love. They aparted, matched their forehead.

Lia: I love you soobin.
Soobin: I love you more Lia.

And once again both of them kissed.

After sometime lia was looking ahead, while soobin was also looking ahead but he was also playing with lia's hand.

Lia: Soobin
Soobin: Hmm
Lia: what if i die,will you love some other girl or will u marry any girl your parents will suggest?
Soobin: Ani! I won't.  I loved only one girl and that's you.
Lia: But you cant just stay single forever.
Soobin: Lia its not like you are going to die. Stop thinking like that. And besides you cant leave me alone in this cruel world, i have to spend rest of my life with you.

Lia said nothing just put her head on his shoulder and looked ahead.

Soobin: Just quickly get well, then i have to take you on multiple of dates, i have to carry your thousands of shopping bags, I have to go on prom with you, spent my day and night with you, i want to read books with you, i even want to cry with you while watching sad movies.
Lia: Hey! I dont cry while watching sad movies.

While playfully hitting him on his hand. Soobin just smiled, and once again went back to the same posture they were in before.

Lia: What if i get well and after sometime i broke up with you then?
Soobin: Hmm then I'll burn all your novels.
Lia: * chuckled * Um okay! And what if you broke up with me?
Soobin: Thats never going to happen. I promise, i wont leave you that easily.

And just smiled at his statement. 

Time flew away so quickly they didnt even knew when the sun started rise.
They were watching this beautiful moment.

Lia: Soobin can u plz bring some water for me?
Soobin: Yeah sure.

He got up from his seat and went inside the house. While he was filling the glass, he saw jk coming down.

Jk: Whay are you still up soobin?
Soobin: Oh actually lia, didnt wanted to sleep, so we both were spending some time.
Jk: Is she still scared for the treatment?
Soobin: Just a little bit.
Jk: Is she sitting outside right now?
Jk: Mind if i join u guys.
Soobin: Of course! U didnt have to ask. Lets go.

They went outside. As the went towards the seats they saw lia's eyes were close. They thought she was sleeping.

Soobin: I think she dozed off. Wait lemme wake her up.

He place the glass full of water on the table and shake her lightly, but no response. He once shake her but still got no response. Jungkook also called her many time but got response.

Both of them started to get all worried. They grabbed her hand but when left it, they both got shocked. Jungkook told soobin to bring the others.

While soobin ran upstairs to call the others. Jungkook tried to wake her daughter but she wasnt opening her eyes. Others also came. Jungkook picked lia up and placed her in her car, and they all went to the hospital.

Skip time

They all were waiting outside the room, when doctor came out.

Doctor: Her condition are getting worse. We need to start the operation as soon as possible.
Rose: Doctor do whatever you want but please save my daughter please.
Doctor: I'll try my best. Right now Mr. And Mrs. Jeon plz come in my room, i have some papers you both have to sign before we start the operation.
Soobin: w..what kin..d of papers?
Doctor: When lung disease spreads in your whole body, it becomes harder to operate it. So even if the opration is successful and still after two hours lia Dosen't woke up, so it means the disease had done its effect before we could even do something.  So I'm taking the signs, cuz after the treatment many people have put all the blame on doctors.

Everyone were too shocked. Rose and Jk went with the doctors while the rest stayed their

After sometime, the operation was started, while outside everybody were praying for the girl who was their inside the room, laying on the bed, fighting for her life.

End of the chapter

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