I must say, I'm glad when the southern wall appears to emerge from the ground, the gate not a beast anymore but a budding warm embrace. 

I'm even more delighted that it's still light outside despite the weather. I'm in no mood to be mistaken for an enemy and die by a weapon of my people. 

As I get closer, the faint shouts of my name drift towards me from the top of the wall. Not long after, the gate opens its arms and a man walks out. Seamil has come to welcome me back. 

Yes, a good friend. 

With muted joy, I gallop to him and he graces me with a smile. I return the gesture. 

'Pannor, what a relief,' Seamil bursts out, grabbing the steed's harness. 'The heavens answered my prayers.' 

'You prayed to the heavens,' I reply, crossing my brows. 'Now I've heard everything.' 

'To be truthful, I always do when it comes to you.' 

'I will take that not as an insult.' 

I climb off the steed and we shake hands, a soldier's handshake once again. 

'What happened there?' Seamil asks, glancing down at my clothes and the spot of blood shimmering with rain. 'Did something happen? Were you attacked? Was it the enemy?' 

'A flying squirrel took my fancy,' I reply before lying, 'It went down well. There's nothing like fresh meat.' 

Seamil looks relieved. 'Did you bring me any?' 

'You have access to enough food.' 

He frowns. 'You know, this joke will eventually get stale.' 

'As stale as stolen–' I start. 

'Enough,' Seamil bursts out a chuckle. 'Come, let's get out of the rain.' 


Seamil leads me and the king's steed through the gate and to the side door in the wall from where he had appeared to see me off. 

'After you,' he then says. 

I enter, shuffling through to a room cramped with large wooden gears encompassing almost every inch apart from a small space in the middle where a table and two chairs sit. 

After tying up the horse to a brazier outside, Seamil follows me in. 

'When did the gear room get these?' I ask, nodding to the furniture. 

'I brought them down for you,' Seamil answers. 'I thought you may want to rest on your return and I didn't think you'd want to walk all the way up to my office.' 

'That was kind.' 

'It's a shame all the taverns are closed in the city. I would have taken you there. It would have been like the old days. Coming back from war and having a good long drink. Getting pissed until the early hours the next day.' 

'I miss those days. Speaking of which, I saw the old inn. It's still standing.' 

Seamil shakes his head as he takes a seat. 'The stunts we used to get up to in there, hey?' 

I sit down too and reply, 'The dagger throwing tourneys will be etched into my brain for eternity.' 

'I still can't believe nobody was killed.' 

Suddenly, the wooden gears in the room begin to spin, making my ears throb. And it awakens an ache in my head too. 

I wince. 

'Are you well?' Seamil asks. 

'Just a bit tired.' 

When the wooden gears stop turning, the gate thudding to a close outside, Seamil asks eagerly yet calmly, 'So, Pannor, what's the news from our enemy? From the siege line?' 

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