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"San-- I don't think--"

"Shhh...don't think."


"You don't have to think anything. You don't have to say anything either. We are here for a business trip and Ari wanted some ice cream that's all." San moves past Wooyoung and grabs a hold of the little girl.

"San, what are you talking about?"

"I meant-- I didn't come here looking for you if that's what's worrying you so much." He points at Wooyoung's creased forehead. "Ari considers you as her Dad, sorry if that inconveniences you."

"San let me stop you right there. Stop trying to guilt trip me."

"I am not. My anger is resurfacing, I tried so hard to not let it show but I guess it's of no use now. Don't you think my anger is justified?" San tilts his head, mockingly.

"San, stop making a scene. Come with me." He drags him out of the store and into his car. "We are going hom-- to my home" He announces before starting the car. Ari was confused. She didn't understand what was happening.

"We are here." Wooyoung parks by a huge house. "You live here?" "Yes, rental." Wooyoung hops off before helping Ari.

He opens the door and they walk into the living room. "Make yourselves comfortable." He says and goes into the kitchen and comes back with some snacks and juice.

"About what happened back there...." San starts and sighs. "Sorry for that. I was just emotional."

"It's okay, San. I am used to it by now." Wooyoung looks down at his fingers.

"You decided you didn't want me and I respect that. We are returning the day after. I have asked my secretary to book two extra tickets. You can decide." San gets off the couch, "Thank you for the snacks." He helps Ari up and they both start to head out.

"Is he my dad?" Ari asks on her way out but San shakes his head, "No". Wooyoung runs behind them and grabs Ari's arms, turning her around to come face-to-face with him crouching.

"I am. I am your dad." Wooyoung looks at San who had his back turned away. "Will you come home with us?!" Ari jumps, excited but Wooyoung doesn't respond. "Let's go, Ari."

"But-- Dada I need to ask." San picks her up before walking away. Wooyoung feels the tears prick his eyes. Why did he have to make it so difficult for himself? He was still earning from the cafes back in Seoul. He could return and take charge once again.

"So what have you decided?" Wooyoung's mom startles him. "You know you want to run back to him, Wooyoung. You need to stop feeling guilty for something you didn't do..." Memories of that day rush back to him.

Missing his dad's last call while he was busy with San.

"It wasn't your fault. I was away too, darling."

"But he called me, ma. He might have wanted to say something to me and I missed it because I was being selfish. I married him mainly to make sure dad was getting the best treatment possible and then I started to get all selfish, forgot about the purpose of this marriage...wished it was more than just pretend..."

"You think your dad would want you to suffer like this?"


"You've suffered enough, Wooyoung. It's been two years and as much as I hate to say it...your dad is gone. Dead. I don't want you spending the rest of your life living for the dead but for the living..." Wooyoung's mom tears up.

"Your dad would want that. For you to be happy and not for you to punish yourself using his name like this..." She turns to leave.

"San still loves you and I know you do too. You're leaving with him, tomorrow. That's final." She starts walking towards her room.

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