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"We have your fit changes here." The woman told the two before she left the room.

"I don't want to do this..." Wooyoung mumbles and San looks at him. He could see how nervous Wooyoung was. It was a pretty big deal after all.

Having a photoshoot and interview session with one of the biggest business magazines. And for their 100th issue, they were keen on getting the couple on board.

The calls were persistent, wanting to sell the idea to the couple. They were the talk of the town, a gay chaebol and his fiancé? Magazines rushed to get a feature.

The interview part was done, most of the questions were directed to San so Wooyoung wasn't bothered by it. They stuck to the script, rehearsing their answers. But now they had to get the photoshoot done.

They introduced them to three concepts that they would be doing.

The first one was San dressed up in a typical business suit while Wooyoung was given a more casual outfit and an apron to match. They got their hair and makeup done before coming out to the studio.

"I hate this. I hate you." Wooyoung spits out and San smiles at him. He had still not recovered from the last argument they had-- Wooyoung had decided to shut his heart with metal doors and seal them.

"I know but you would do great. I know it."

"Of course."

"Can we start?" The photographer asks them and they step forward. They were given a few props to act out certain scenes. Wooyoung wasn't gonna lie, it was fun.

The first concept was about when they were strangers. They both sit on something similar to that of a table at a cafe, looking at each other or just poses that included their backs facing each other. Just normal stuff, the two were comfortable with.

They get back into the green room and get changed for the next concept-- the dating phase. They were dressed in branded but casual-looking clothes.

Wooyoung looks at his crop top hating where this was going. The first concept was absolutely fine but slowly things were getting out of hand.

Wooyoung gets out of the green room. San takes a double-take when he sees him. A playful smile made its way to his lips.

Wooyoung stood there, frozen, scratching his wrist which itched for no reason. San slowly approached him-- dressed in a loose printed shirt and some straight-fit jeans.

Wooyoung notices San's eyes scan him before falling on his exposed skin. Wooyoung squirms, uncomfortably as he tries to hide his stomach with his hands.

San stops right in front of him-- "You look so pretty." He whispers and Wooyoung's breath hitches when he feels San's hands covering his own, pulling it away from his stomach.

This also resulted in San's fingers slightly brushing against his stomach, unintentionally. Goosebumps littered all over Wooyoung, a shiver running down his spine. His glossy lips gaped as he looked at San.

San's eyes were drawn onto his lips-- loving the nude gloss he was wearing. San was starting to notice Wooyoung's features one by one as the days passed.

Of course, his lips had to be thick and voluptuous.

San stared for a while when a hand rudely covered his view, "Stop staring. It's creepy..." Wooyoung's small voice fell to his ears.

"We are ready!" The woman announces and the two get into position. They were given a couch and asked to pose on it.

At first, they weren't given any instructions so they sat next to each other posing however they felt like.

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