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Wooyoung wrapped the apron around his waist. He looked out the glass wall which was being wiped by one of his colleagues and sees the city bustling with life.

It was seven in the morning and people were already out and about. The kids going to school, the adults rushing to get to work.

He sometimes thought about the meaning of life, at the end of the day no one got time for no one. Everyone's just busting their asses to get their hands on some overrated paper bills. Money.

With that came an addiction called coffee. Caffeine to be exact. And he makes bank, thanks to them. Sounds illegal but it really isn't. It's called the vicious cycle.

The sign was flipped over to "Open". Time for business.

And soon it seemed like the street had teleported into the café. "Yes, one iced americano and..."

"Cash or card?"

"With skimmed milk..."

The three at the counters were working hard. "Seonghwa, can you pack this up for them?"


Seonghwa was the handsome guy they had recruited in order to attract more customers and it clearly had worked.

"Yeosang stop slacking!"

Yeosang was just Wooyoung's friend. But hey he came with the looks too.

Two stones with one bird or was it two birds with one stone? Wooyoung wasn't so sure.

"Wooyoung, he's back." Seonghwa whispers and he looks up at the guy who comes in every day and asks for the same thing-- in business terms, he's a regular.

Wooyoung trayed an iced americano and the special blueberry muffin before making his way over. "Your regulars, sir." He announces and places the tray on the table.

Regulars get special treatment. They don't have to wait in line, their order will come to them.

At least that's what Wooyoung had set. Wooyoung as in the owner of a chain of cafes across the city.

Brewed&Co was doing pretty well across Seoul. The Gangnam branch was the biggest one out of them all and that's why Wooyoung decided to stay working there.

The man looked up from his phone, his features so sharp, it wouldn't go unnoticed. He scanned the tray and pushed the blueberry muffin away. "I am feeling the banana muffin today." He says, his voice a few octaves deeper than Wooyoung. The voice seemed to have caught Wooyoung off guard, well it's been a while since he actually talked to one of them.

"Of course, sir." Wooyoung bows his head a bit before taking the blueberry muffin with him.

That's a few wons lost. He thought to himself as the banana muffin was a tad bit cheaper.

He places the muffin back into the case and gets a fluffy banana muffin out. The crowd seemed to have subsided as the clock hit ten thirty.

Yeosang wasn't around, Seonghwa still billing up an old woman who was arguing about something with him.

Working in customer service sucked unless you got the passion for it.

Wooyoung turned around with the muffin making a mental note to scold Yeosang for slacking again.

He looked up and saw his regular observing him. He placed the muffin on his tray and was about to return when he was called out. "Wooyoung...?" He seemed to have caught his name, thanks to the name tag. "Yes, sir. How can I help you?"

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