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Was Wooyoung crazy? He probably is at this point. Cause' what was he thinking challenging someone with a black belt?

But he also wanted to do something about what he had done yesterday. He wanted to make up to him. Why? He wasn't sure.

Maybe, San would go easy on him. Right?

No. He didn't. "Oof!" Wooyoung was sent to the mat for the nth time. San wasn't going easy on him at all but he sure did give him an awful amount of chances.

"Is this even legal?" Wooyoung stared at the ceiling, once again.

San wasn't stupid. He knew Wooyoung could never beat him at a game he's an expert at. But why did he agree to it? Why did he keep giving him chances and why did he wish Wooyoung actually did throw him onto the mat so he could put the whole incident behind him?

Why was he going crazy over something that shouldn't be affecting him and why did he punch that guy who touched Wooyoung, a couple million times in his head?

While both their heads bombarded them with questions, Hongjoong watched. "How many rounds do you think it will take for them to understand they like-- no. Are obsessed with each other?"

"Don't know. Don't care." Jongho answers while drying his hair with a towel and Hongjoong rolls his eyes. "You do care. You Chois are so difficult. One pretending to not care, not like his own family while one swore off love. All I see are lies."

"You should step out of our business, cousin." Jongho throws a light punch at his chest before he grabs his gym bag and leaves.

Hongjoong might be the most sane out of them all but he was also one of the richest ones. His parents had divorced but that didn't stop him from inheriting his chaebol family money. The only difference was that the money didn't make him blind. He was more human than most in the room.

"Why don't you give up already?" San asks but Wooyoung shakes his head. "I am surely winning this time."

"Okay then." San smirks and the two get in position again. "Sannie..." Wooyoung whispers in the cutest voice possible.

"Huh?" San's eyes widen and in that split moment, Wooyoung succeeds at throwing San over.

"Yes!!!! Woohooo!" Wooyoung celebrates his victory. "Thats-- that's not it!" San protests. "I didn't break any rule!" Wooyoung defends and San knew he was right. None of the rules were broken but Wooyoung for sure broke San.

San flips them in an instant, "I will let you off the hook this time..." He mumbles and Wooyoung flinched at the proximity of their faces. Wooyoung didn't care about the whole deal anymore. Just seeing San smile at him like that-- his eyes sparkled like never before.

"Do you remember what you told me yesterday?" He asked and Wooyoung shook his head immediately. He smiled once again, finding the younger cute. He leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss on Wooyoung's cheek.

Wooyoung was stunned. What was this change he was witnessing? And why was Wooyoung being affected by it again? He swore San wouldn't affect him anymore.

As he was lost in his thoughts, San had exited the dojang. Wooyoung lay there, staring at the ceiling. The butterflies were back again. His heart squeezed against his chest thinking about San.

"No. No. No." Wooyoung walked around the counter while Yeosang followed him around.

"But why?"

"What do you mean why? Why would I invite you so you could spy on Jongho?"

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