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As chaotic as the whole after-party was, Wooyoung was exhausted the day after.
Rolling over to his side, San's face came into his view. He had finally moved into his room. He didn't know what to feel about it.

Wooyoung swore San wasn't this attractive when he first met him. His chiseled face, sharp eyes and thick brows-- "Are you done staring?" San opens his eyes, his morning voice erupting butterflies in Wooyoung's stomach.

Definitely, the stockholm syndrome.

"It's rude to stare, Jung." San reaches out and turns Wooyoung's head away.

"Whatever you say..." Wooyoung stares at the ceiling, his gut-wrenching in turmoil, he was officially wedded to the biggest jerk he has met. "Are you mad at me?" San asks before plopping onto Wooyoung, his weight almost crushing the other.

"Ugh, San." Wooyoung pushes him by the shoulders to keep him away from his face. Wooyoung covers his mouth when San comes onto him with pouty lips, kissing the back of Wooyoung's hand instead.

San chuckles and pushed himself off, "Isn't this what newlyweds do?" He pushes his sleeping robe off, Wooyoung's eyes scanning his naked body.

"Right?" He turns around, catching him staring. "Wasn't yesterday enough for you?" San's eyes glimmer with mischief and Wooyoung looks away. "Oh, I didn't let you finish. My bad." San's tone dripped with sarcasm.

When did their relationship evolve into this? Wooyoung wasn't sure. They have seen each other naked, they fucked but nothing was experienced or expressed the way it should be.

Wooyoung snaps back, "You were going crazy for me though."

"Was I?" San scans him before looking away, "Seen better, fucked better."

"We need to meet your parents today. It was a shame they couldn't attend their son's only wedding." San smirked, "I am gonna shower now." He entered the bathroom and closed the door.

Wooyoung puffed out, "Ugh he's pissing me off." He slips out of his clothes and bangs on the bathroom door. "What?" San peeks through the door and Wooyoung pushes in, "What the hell are you doing?" San's jaw drops when Wooyoung's body dripped with water from the shower.

"You told me you weren't attracted to me so this shouldn't bother you." Wooyoung turns to face San and drags his index finger across San's flexed abs.

"We can shower together. Isn't this what newlyweds do?" Wooyoung fires back and San scoffs. "The audacity..."

But Wooyoung didn't care he started to scrub himself clean. The shower head was so small that they had to stick together. San could feel his member hardening at the sight. "Fuck it." He whispers before planting his face onto Wooyoung's neck.

Wooyoung moves back, forcing San to look up at him, "You're a man who doesn't keep his word. Typical..." He tsks while shaking his head.

"Stop trying to sound all cryptic Woo, you wouldn't be here if you didn't want this reaction from me." San pulls him against his chest.

And the two get wet together, "Let me wash you..." San whispers and Wooyoung almost melts at the husky voice. San starts to litter small kisses onto his shoulders before he reaches for the body wash.

He lathers his body up painfully slow and Wooyoung knew it was taking a dangerous route...and it soon did.

"Get your ass in the car!" San yelled at Wooyoung who was trying to carry a few things with him. "Ugh! Help me carry some things then! You were the one who insisted on getting all these for Dad!"

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