Friends like these pt 1

38 1 7

I couldn't go to sleep anymore. I couldn't bare the devastation and disappointment on my grandfather's face. It looked like he wanted to scream at me, like he wanted to tell me how much he hated me, how much he hid his hatred from me for all these years. But he was too heartbroken, too exhausted to say anything. he just looked at me, with tear-stained cheeks. I could see his tears forming as I tried to cheer him up. Maybe that's why he sent me to look for the One Tower. It wasn't a nightmare, it was a flashback, a reminder that my parents didn't even care to say their final goodbyes. Their jobs are to protect the kingdom, but how can they do that, if they can't even protect their family? Are their jobs that time consuming? Even the people that saved the whole country, twice, have time to visit their family. But why not mine? Why can't they just care?

'Enough thinking negative', I thought. I looked to the side, checking for my alarm clock that I always ignored.

'Huh. 3AM. Not that early, is it?'

I got up, brushed my teeth, and went for a walk around the tower. It was pretty gloomy, and I could barely see where I was going. Suddenly, my feet stopped at Aoki's room.

'Weird.' I thought.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps getting closer towards me. The door swung open.

"Can't sleep?"

"How did you-"

"Tower told me. Come inside."

I obliged.

"So... what brings you here, to the chamber of depression?" Aoki joked. We would always come to each other when the others were asleep. We would share our problems, nightmares, anything of that sort.

"Um... nothing really."

"M-hm. So, you're telling me, that Tower couldn't sense you bawling your eyes out in your room?"

"Hey! I wasn't crying! Plus, that's invading my privacy..."

"So, you were crying! I knew it!"

I frowned.

"Anyways", Aoki continued; "Back to the point."

I told her about the nightmare, about how my parents neglect me, about how I felt like I didn't deserve their love. Aoki only listened, with the occasional

"That's terrible!"


"How could they?"

She was a very good listener. After that, she opened the sacred drawer.

*le gasp*

"The depression snack drawer!"

"With extra Hershey's Kisses!"

"Yes!" I hissed.

We built our special pillow fort and talked to each other about random stuff, for the rest of the night.

I'm really glad to have friends like these.


Welp, here you go!

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Ur welcome <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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