Hello depression!

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It has been five days. Five days since my birthday and my parents STILL haven't contacted me. It's as if I never even had parents. It's been like that since I could remember. My grandfather has been taking care of me my entire childhood. I only saw them on birthdays, even then it was pretty rare. I guess I wasn't a priority to them. I didn't think it would end like this. At this point I didn't even bother visiting my hometown, I knew no one would be waiting for me there.  Even Ikor's shitty dad cares about him. He's the king of the entire ice realm, yet he still makes time for his son. So, it's not like my parents can't do the same. They just don't see me as an important person in their lives. Heck, they don't even know where I am right now. 

'Wait', I thought.

 'Where am I?'

I look at my surroundings. It seems to be a bright, eye blinding room. I see a door with beeping coming out of it. 

'Oh. Oh no.'

It was so familiar.

The air smelled like bleach mixed with antiseptic. So clean, but utterly nauseating at the same time. I tried not to gag. With shaking hands, I open the door in front of me.

My eyes widened. 

In front of me was a hospital bed, my own grandmother lying on top of it. As I entered, the beeping got louder.


I couldn't think.


I looked away from the bed, looking up to see my grandfather looking back at me, visibly tired and devastated.


I tried the best I could to comfort him. Even occasionally cracking a few jokes here and there. 


I tried the best I could.


I tried.

The heart monitor flatlined.

It fucking flatlined.

I woke up.

That last beep broke me. It felt like the whole world was crumbling around me. And my parents weren't there to comfort me. I hated them for that. I hate myself for not trying harder.

I mostly blame MYSELF.


Welp, I devastated him. You're welcome. Now, please excuse me while I get my depression snacks ready, it's depression day, baby!

Love y'all, bye! <3

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