Meet the Féngs pt.2

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Eron's POV

I was feeling pretty nervous from seeing my parents. It's been a long while since I visited, 2 years to be exact. I never actually told them that I was a herald. I guess I was too busy. Only grandfather knows. I don't think he told them either. He rarely visits. "What are we waiting for?" I hurriedly ask. "Let's go inside!" 

I opened the door. 'It's a surprise I remember the combination.' I thought. It looks just how i left it. The marble floors, the warm, inviting lighting. Even the plastic fruit bowl. 'It still smells like cherry blossom.' I thought. While I was still admiring the scent, the others were looking around in awe.

"It looks more like a castle than a house!" Trek exclaimed. 

"Your parents aren't home?" Ikor chimed in. "Isn't it your birthday?"

"It seems like they forgot. Just like last time." I sadly answered. I thought they planned something, that's why i dragged the guys all the way here. Now I've wasted their time, just like how I do on missions. 

"Hey, it's okay! We can still have fun at the tower!" Aoki tried to cheer me up. She never liked seeing any of us sad. 

"Yeah!" Riff chimed in. "Plus, Finna and Siran agreed to come in case something came up. That's why they both called in sick last minute and-"

"Riff that's enough ruining the surprise!" Ikor said hurriedly.

"Hold up. Siran's coming?!" Trek exclaimed.

"What surprise?" I asked. 

"Nothing!" They all exclaimed.

I love these guys.

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