Chapter 13 ☆ Little Bird

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A/N:This chapter is preeety gorey. Even for me...a person who loves writing gore.

TW:Blood, Gore, Creepy imagery


"Hello little bird..." A female voice whispers.

"You see so sad...What happened?" She asked.

"Urbosa? I thought...I thought you were gone?" I respond.

"Little bird, we're never truly gone...we're here." She puts a ghostly hand on my heart.

Tears come into my eyes as I see her face. As the dream continues she begins retaining features of a bloodied corpse.

Only the whites of her eyes glowed comfortingly. Blood dripped from her cranium, a broken arm, singed hair, and her nose was bleeding as well. I avoided looking at the worst of it...

"Urbosa...I-" I couldn't finish my own sentence.

"Little bird...there's not much time..." The past Gerudo chief says. She nods and kisses my forehead. Her blood drips onto my lashes, and stains my golden locks crimson.

"Urbosa what do you mean? Not much time? Time for what?" I question, desperate for an answer from her.

"I love you dear...I'm sorry." She says, and suddenly I'm enveloped by a title wave of what seems to be...malice?

I wake with a start and gasp for breath.

I look, and Link is still peacefully snoozing in a comfortable leafy bed. All is calm in Korok Forest.

I quietly slip out of bed and sit by the worn pedestal of the Master Sword. Silent princesses line the edge and Koroks peek out at me. Calm forest winds are a comforting touch to the tranquil atmosphere.

I breathe deeply, but a deep voice breaks my thoughts.

"What ails you's late, most of the Koroks are asleep." The Deku tree says.

"Oh...Hello Deku Tree...I was just enjoying the night that's all." I respond.

"I know it's more than that..." He said, nodding.

"Well...I've been having these...visions." I say, it felt so good to talk to someone.

"Hmm..." He thought deeply. The moon dappled the undergrowth with light through pink petals.

"Monster these visions with the intent to understand them...but I cannot help you must seek the prophet." He said, and my eyes widen.

"P-prohet? Like the one that prophecized the Great Calamity...but I cannot, no we cannot trust him...and he must be long gone by now!" I say, a twinge of anger in my voice.

"Seek the prophet, and you will find what you seek." He said and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The prophet...why him? I sighed and picked one of the silent princesses. Its blue tinged petals glowed softly, a wonderful showcase of the goddess herself's magic. It was said the princess grew from Hylia's tears when she lost her own hero.

I looked into the moon's shining gaze and tucked the silent princess into my pouch, deciding it would be best to go back to sleep. It was a long day ahead of us.

I awake to the sounds of a crackling fire and I jolt up. Only to realize that it's just Link cooking up breakfast.

"Morning princess." He says absently.

"G-good morning Link. Did you sleep well?" I respond, still a bit flustered. It felt like only a moment since I laid down the night before. I yawned and hid behind a leaf curtain and slipped on my pants belt and blue shirt.

I opened the curtain to see three Koroks looking up at me.

"Princess! Can we braid you hair?" They asked excitedly.

Link smiled at me, he had clearly put them up to this. He snickered and went back to cooking, a delicious aroma rising from the pot.

"Uh, sure!" I say, and it down and letting the wooded hands untangle my golden waves.

Once they finished, my braids are lined with daises, blue nightshade, and silent princesses. I smile, "They're beautiful." I say.

"Yay!" They respond in unison and run off into the underbrush.

"You look stunning princess!" Link says handing me a steaming plate of mushroom risotto with a side of roasted swift carrots.

"O-oh why...why thank you Link!" I say, flustered by his forwardness. Did he mean this...romantically? couldn't be. And I brushed off the thought before it could fester in my brain.

As we cleaned the plates Link dropped another mushroom on the Deku Tree's pedestal and bowed. He then said goodbye to each Korok as he left the safety of the pink forest floor, and entered the misty woods surrounding it.

As we trekked through the dark woods, mist crawling in on all sides I heard something...a voice, ever so faint.

"The prophet...he holds the answer." It said eerily.

I ignored it, but I just couldn't push it down. First the Deku a new voice? Was this really the goddess's power? I wonder.

I try to summon my power but the warm glow barely shimmers in the deep fog of the Lost Woods. I sigh and wonder if my power is fading, but I am distracted as we reach the familiar torches and I dash to Storm's side, and he whinnies happily, as if to say I wondered if you would ever come back!

Epona seems happy to see Link too, and she nudges his pouch for snacks. Storm rolls his eyes at this, she ate all the carrots. I chuckle and we pack up and start the journey to restore the kingdom of Hyrule.


A/N: Hehe, yup...definitely gonna succeed at that catch at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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