Chapter Seven ☆ Cobwebs

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A/N: Haha more Link angst for you guys >:D

Also have fun switching from 3rd person to 1st person mid chapter ;)

"Link dear...wake up..." The muffled voice seemed to be close by.

"Aw are you still not feeling well? I'll try and make you feel better..." The voice was speaking again, this time he felt warmth next to him.

Then the voice began to sing. A sweet song (the song of healing), and it seemed to heal the dull ache in his chest. The notes seemed familiar, even though Link swore he had never heard them before.

Link's eyes opened, letting the light register before he took in his surroundings. The charred wood beside him was the remains of the fire that had kept him warm all night, and the embers still had a slight glow to them.

He stood up and thought about the strange dream he had had. Who was the person speaking to him? If he had never met them before...why was the voice so familiar? All the restless thoughts came bubbling to the surface as he grabbed his champion's tunic and hylian trousers from his dresser.

He would have plenty of time to think about it. Zelda was still sleeping, and they were only going to see Purah at noon. Why should he waste the morning lounging around?

After changing, he stepped outside. The crisp morning air smelled sweet and verdant. Link gazed at the small fish pond and enjoyed seeing the sun reflecting off the surface of the tiny ripples made by the hyrule bass swimming in the shallow waters.

He walked over to the side of his house, greeting Epona and Storm. Then the tiny shed on the side of his house caught his eye. He had never really payed any attention to the wooden shed before. Maybe the previous owner left something there? Maybe something useful like blankets or weapons.

Link's boots made rustling sound as he walked towards the shed. Once he reached it's worn down door he opened it with a loud creeeaaaaaaaak.

A summer-wing butterfly fluttered out of the shed, and he grabbed it placing the limp butterfly in his pouch. The blue-eyed hero stepped into the shed looking around the dusty, cobweb infested place. He noticed a broom and some boxes. Might as well get to work, I have a few hours before I'll get hungry, he thought.

As Link finished cleaning the floors, he got to cleaning out the boxes. The first box was one filled with old toys, and drawings. They looked to be very old and faded, but the blue-eyed hero could still make out the details of a child's drawing of person in green clothes, on a horse with a sword in hand. But most of the colors were faded so he couldn't tell anything else about the drawing. He moved onto the next box of items. It was sheets and bedding, exactly what he needed, he would just ask Bolson or Hudson to help him make a new bed frame.

The dust was making Link sneeze so he took the last box outside. He looked up and noticed that it was now mid-morning, Zelda would be waking up soon, and he would make breakfast. His attention was on the dusty old box again. He opened the lid and pulled out a small covered object. As he lifted the cover, he saw the back of an old picture frame.

And then he turned the photo around.


"Link! Come on wake up, you're going to make me late! Your sister is already awake!" A gruff voice sounded from below me.

"Yeah Link! You're soooooo slow!" A more high-pitched voice rang out like a song-bird's cry.

"I'm coming..." I say as I head downstairs. The smell of steaming hot eggs and rice rises through the air as my mouth waters.

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