Chapter Four ☆ Fog

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A/N: Maybe Hateno Village Next chapter? Tell me what you think! Also I might randomly switch from 3rd person to 1st person through the following chapters and the chapters before this :')
"Link...Link..." I opened one of my eyes to the sound of the familiar voice.

I was surprised by the sharp pain spanning from my right shoulder to my chest. I winced and looked up at the familiar face above me. It was Zelda.

"How long was I out?" I asked, feeling a bit lightheaded from blood loss.

"Just a day," Replied the princess. She looked puzzled and deep in thought at the sound of my voice. I wondered what was occupying her thoughts.

A shiekah woman carrying what looked to be a hearty elixir, some herbs, and some fresh bandages entered the dimly-lit room. "You should be better in a day or two." She said placing the items on the nightstand beside me. "Take these herbs and this elixir and I'll bandage you up." She finished. The woman nodded at Zelda, signaling she should go now.

"See you soon." Zelda said as she left.

I gazed at her as she left, I had only really met her a day ago, but I had a feeling I had known her for much longer than my own forgotten lifetime.

I picked up the hearty elixir and drank it, and I was immediately feeling better, the pain lessened I sighed with a feeling of relief. I ate the herbs too, and realized how hungry I was. Before I could get out of the bed I had been laying on, the woman who had been tending to my wounds stopped me.

"Sir, let me bandage your wounds before you leave, a fresh set of clothes and your pack is in the dresser when you're done." She said. I nodded and sat back down, it still stung as she placed some unknown poultice on my wounds, and I winced.

Once she was done putting fresh bandages on me, she left the room. I took this as a chance to get changed in privacy. I took out the set of shiekah garments and I slipped into the stealth set, grabbing my pouch before I left the room.

The village is foggy and covered in morning dew when I get outside. I see Impa having tea with Zelda by the item shop and I head over to them.

"Link! Do you care to join us for a cup of tea?" Zelda asks inquisitively.

"Sure, I'll make food too, I'm starving!" I say, grabbing some meat and rice from my pouch and make some meat and rice bowls for Zelda, Impa, and I. We eat the bowls and talk about where we will start to rebuild Hyrule. I suggest that we find Bolson Construction at Hateno Village, and we agree to set out for the town at dawn tomorrow.

It's about lunch time when we finish discussing the matter, and I decide to go check on Epona, who is resting by the entrance to the village. I feed her some apples and I hear footsteps behind me and I jump, drawing my sword.

It's just Zelda. "Hello princess" I say more cheerfully, and this causes her to look at me funny. "What? Is there something on my face?" I say, lowering the stealth mask.

"'s just- Never mind, I was wondering..." She trailed off. And seemed to be looking at something in the distance. Then I heard it too, an eerie sound, like a someone was speaking, but the sound was covered up by a low rumble coming from the ground. After some thought we assumed it was nothing.

"Ahem, as I was saying, I was you...remember anyone besides me?" She said. I could tell she was embarrassed by asking.

"Uh...well I remember the champions...and the King...but that's about it...I really only remember myself getting made champion and then a few scattered memories after that. But most of my memories feel like...they feel like they're there, but we're separated, by a uncrossable fog." I say, deep in thought. I hadn't thought about it much. Then the wheels in my head began turning, how much did I forget? I didn't remember...anything...only things that related to the calamity...Who was I...What if I was a completely different person? This other me...only connected by a few foggy fragmented memories... Was I really the same hero that everyone relied on? Who was I really...what if I had let everyone down...

"Link-" Zelda waved her hand in front of my face and I snapped out of my trance.

"Are you alright Link?" She asked, a worried look on her face.

"Y-yeah...just...lost on thought..." I say gazing at my feet. So much for being a hero...when you can't even look at your princess...what are you so afraid of? Aren't you supposed to have an unbreakable spirit? I think to myself.

"Well...I-...I'll leave you with your thoughts then..." Said Zelda, and she walked off toward the heart of the village once more.

One final thought crossed my mind before I began to head back myself.

Why did it have to be me?

A/N: This chapter made no sense, but I wanted drama sooooo yeah

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