He walked outside of the room, smiling at her shenanigans...
"Does she have some kind of natural alarm clock?" He to said himself

I wonder what broke her sleep schedule? He thought, walking through the corridor towards the stairs, yawning...

That same instant another door opened, right next to him, the one that was locked the other day

A serpent-like demon with many eyes all around his body got out of the room, yawning aswell

Their encounter was sudden however, and both yelled at each other from the scare

"W-who are you!?"

"That'sss what I'M asking!!"
"You have angel wingss!?

Alex had gotten used to having his wings out inside the hotel, he completely forgot about it

Did they get a client overnight!?

Despaired, Alex quickly hid his wings, sweating intensely, and slapped the serpent demon across the face, knocking him out

"Oh shoot...I meant to flick him...but I panicked"

Niffty witnessed the scene and just stared at him with deadpan shock

"Whyyyy.....did you slap the soul out of him?"

The way she dragged out that "why" just further demonstrated how absurd his reaction was...

"H-hehe...force of habit"

The little revelation that he did this before made her chuckle, and even if she would not admit it out loud, the way he did that was kind of hot, at least in her point of view...

The poor demon woke up quite fast, his face feeling sore all over


When he saw Alex, his several eyes, including his top hat, shot open from surprise

???: "It'sss you!!, you...!"
"sslapped me?"

Alex: "Well crap, the erasure didn't work, you still remember me"

Niffty: "He's also a client, that bad boy I told you about...i thought you had met him already"

Alex: "Nope..."

???: "Well insstead of sslapping me you could have presented yourself?, I believed this hotel would be slightly more peaceful than the resst of hell"

Alex: "I uh...i'm Alex, pleasure to meet you, sorry for slapping you..."

The snake-like demon put a hand on his chest to present himself
"I am-!"

He suddenly stopped, quickly cut himself off, assuming a more "cool" pose, doing finger guns...

"The name's pentious, Sir Pentious"

Alex was a little weirded out, but appreciated his effort, since...according to his attire, he was one hell of an old demon

He put his hand on his chin, analyzing his clothes a little

Alex: "hmm..."
"Victorian era?"

Pent's face immediately brightened at this remark

"YESS!!, finally someone who recognizes sstyle!"

He said stretching his bowtie with pride, his top hat also smiling happily

"The clothes most of the youngstersss use nowadayss are foul!"

Alex suddenly felt a little self-conscious about his choice of clothing, although it wasn't anything absurd

See you in hell (Male OC X Niffty) Hazbin Hotel storyWhere stories live. Discover now