Quan : Naked

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By the title you can already guess what's going down.

I was under my blanket, obviously naked and minding my business on my phone.

Quan was in the shower and when he was finished he came back in the room.

"You still wanna go out to get your ice cream?" He asked drying his hair.

"mmmmm.... nah it's alr." 

"You sure ma?" 

"Yes, i'm sure." 

He pouted and came towards me, and pressed his lips against mine a few times before kissing me properly.

And when he did he climbed on top of me and I giggled as he pulled from me.

His eyes wondered mine, and his hand glided across my face.

"You are so fucking beautiful." He mumbled and I smiled and he did too while his lips pressed against mine once more.

His tongue entered my mouth and he moved the blanket off my shoulders and grabbed my neck but stopped as he didn't feel my shirt.

He looked at me confused and was about to pull the blanket off me but I stopped him.


"What- what are you wearing?" He asked with a slight smile.

"Hmmmm. dw." 

"Nah imma worry. What you wearing baby." 

"Don't worry about it Quan." 

"Bebi, tell- no show me what your wearing." 


"I just wanna know what's on or what's not.." He trailed off with a smile on his face and I smiled too but he raised his eyebrows at me and climbed off me and laid beside me.

"Don't show me, it's alr. At least let me get some of the blanket. I'm very cold." He added and I smiled and gave him some and he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him, his hand snaking around my waist.

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