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Today was a big day for her, today she would sit down with her lawyers and begin the form their booklet of evidence from photographs of her injuries to screenshots of threats to witness statements from neighbours and other people.

Today she would face her demons and begin the journey for justice. Fear flourished throughout her veins, the fear of seeing her experience all laid out before her.  He had pleaded not guilty meaning the case had to go to court. 

Although the evidence against him was so large he seemed to think he would be able to manipulate the jury. 

Meredith looked at herself in the mirror, the bruises on her face more visible today. Even though three weeks and three days had passed the bruises still held her body captive.

Her black pencil skirt came just above her knees matched with black tights, small heeled shoes and a blue blouse. She wore short sleeves with a blazer, once inside the office she wouldn't mind having her arms bare. The healing wounds still visible.

She'd had numerous messages wishing her good luck and telling her how proud people were of her. 

She was trying to be strong on her exterior even when her insides were broken, trying to piece back together. The day before had been the best day in a while for her, being so carefree, being able to laugh and talk freely.

She couldn't deny the sparks that shot through her when Derek's hand had made contact with her cheek but she also knew now wasn't the time for feelings to spark. He needed to concentrate on her case and she needed to pull herself together and find herself again. 

It was hard when the sparks, the connection was so obvious to them both. When they were together they could both feel it. The invisible pull, the feelings that ran through them both.

Derek was in his office with Mark. The evidence they had so far in date order. They knew Meredith had more and had taken photos when she was in hospital.

"You seemed genuinely happy yesterday. I have seen you happy with Sofia but never how I saw you yesterday. I saw how her head leaned on your shoulder. How you watched her with Sofia with the biggest smile on your face. Don't think I haven't noticed how since she's come into your life you haven't commented on other women."Mark spoke as he sipped his coffee.

"Mark, now isn't the time for me to be feeling all of this for her.  When I am with her I just want to pull her close and protect her from the world. I want to kiss her head and hold her. I want to watch stupid princess movies with her and Sofia and listen to them sing. Mark I don't know what is wrong with me. She's amazing with Sofia but a girl like her won't want a guy like me. A single father with a time consuming job" He huffed. He didn't think much of himself, he didn't think he could offer her anything.

"A girl like her?"Mark raised his brow.

"Yes Mark a beautiful, kind, caring girl with an amazing personality. Her sexiness is just an add on to everything else. She is like nothing I have ever seen. She is still so warm after everything." Derek was cut off when his door softly knocked. Mark walked to answer it and there she stood.  His eyes scanned her instantly more than they used to. 

"Morning"She smiled softly as she placed her large back on the floor.

"Morning, how was the drive? You okay?"Derek asked as he stood and approached her.

"I am okay, I went a different way through the back roads." She shrugged. Mark handed her the hot chocolate Derek had bought her only fifteen minutes before.

"Derek got it, now today might be rough so if you need to stop just tell us. We are working on your side."He offered a reassuring smile as they walked to the large circular table.

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