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An entire nine days had passed since the incident that made each and every person realise how much they loved and cared for Meredith. Nine days of Meredith opening up over and over about the abuse she endured. 

She had been off of the IV for a day now although she still had morphine every five hours. She'd managed a small shower with Cristina's help. She was on her third night without a nightmare and fourth day of not screaming when she was left alone.

Lexie, Theo,Cristina,  Ellis and Richard were there every single day, Clara had been a couple of times with Derek with paintings from Sofia and Hugo.

She'd managed a small walk with Cristina and Alex by her side. Alex had always been a good friend. He'd grown up in the area she had, she'd known him since highschool.

Arthur Shepherd had just visited Meredith whilst Theo was with her. He came with the news that her apartment had now been released and was no longer a crime scene. Over 200 photographs had been taken and over 120 evidence samples had been collected. 

Her body had seized up when they handed her the keys, she begged Theo to handle it all, to go there and deal with it. Once Lexie had joined them he left, trying to put on his biggest brave face. He knew he couldn't handle that alone, he knew he couldn't ask his parents they would be a wrech.

His mind drfited to the man, the man who had only known his sister for 5 weeks yet already cared for her, the man who had sat up with his other sister as she broke down, the man who had bought Meredith a hot chocolate each time he visited. Theo didn't know him well but he wanted too.

He left in his car following the route he had taken on one of the hardest mornings of his life. He wasn't sure if Derek would be in on a Sunday morning but he thought he would try. He knocked on the door as he cleared his throat. Amelia answered with a small smile, the moment she saw the man she called for Derek who appeared in seconds.

"Everything okay?"He asked, he stood wearing black jeans with a navy button down shirt. 

"Sorry if I am bothering you. Your father handed us the keys to Meredith's place today and said its no longer a crime scene. She's asked me to get the things she wants but I can't face it alone and my parents don't have the strength. I was wandering ..er hoping if you'd come with me? I understand if not"Theo began to ramble just as Meredith would.

"Of course I will come with you. Give me five minutes to just ask Amelia to watch Sofia and I'll be out. You driving?"He asked. Theo nodded softly. 

Derek walked back through his home to where Sofia and Hugo ran around the garden. Clara sat watching with Amelia by her side.

"Is all okay? Amy says Theo is here"Clara asked as she turned her head.

"Theo asked if I could go to Meredith's apartment . with him, pa cleared it today. I said I can, are you okay to watch Sofia"He asked . Both women nodded which led him to run over to his daughter, picking her up and swinging her in the air, her smile and giggle radiating his heart. "I will be back soon princess. I love you"He tucked her loose hair behind her ear as she smiled.

"Okay dadda, love you"She kissed his cheek before asking to be put down so she could play again, your typical four year old.

He grabbed his keys and wallet before walking out to Theo's car. 

The drive was a route Derek knew well, around twenty minutes maybe twenty five from his house. Her apartment happened to be situated five minutes from where he worked. 

"My ma lives a five minute drive from you so she'll be closer. I can see you care about her and man I appreciate you. You looked after Lexie and you calm Meredith so easily."Theo held his hand out which Derek took. 

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