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When they found her they were shocked she was still alive and breathing, she was covered in wounds, blood pouring from several different places. 

She was weak, her body was weak and exhausted. She couldn't fight the feeling, the urge to close her eyes so she did. She let the world of unconsciousness take over.

She could hear so many voices but she was just exhausted, she wanted to sleep, she wanted the pain to go. 

"I'm here little sis, fight for me"

Was the phrase she replayed in her mind over and over. She couldn't hear anything other than her brother's desperate voice.  She felt it when the ambulance began speeding away, Theo clutched her hand tightly, talking although she couldn't make out what he was saying.

She felt so many different areas of her body be covered by bandages and tight wraps. She wasn't sure herself how she was still pushing through but she was, she was still breathing and fighting.

When the ambulace came to a sudden stop and a gush of cold air rushed over her she knew she was about to be seen, she knew all of her pain, trauma and secrets of the past months would soon be unveiled.

The cold air hit her shattered body, gaps were heard. This was Ellis and Richard Webber's little girl. 

"Meredith, its Miranda we got you, we got you now"Bailey whispered as she was rushed through to trauma. Theo followed through the hospital until Jackson stopped him.

"Kyle?"Jackson asked, Theo nodded his head as the tears streamed from his eyes.

"She was in the alley, she got down there from the looks of things. She was bleeding to death , my little sister"Theo's head shook as Jackson comforted him. Jackson and Lexie had been together for just over 5 months. Theo hadn't been impressed but Jackson was the sweetest guy.

Owen Hunt happened to be the best friend of Derek, at the present moment he had no idea how precious the girl was to his best friends, just how much she meant to the hospital, to Cristina the love of his life.

Cristina had sat down beside Theo, her heart thudding. She met Meredith three years ago when she was fresh from college, Cristina at that time had completed her intern year. They became bestfriends quickly.

Ellis, Lexie and Richard rushed in fifteen minutes later. Ellis was trembling, her face completely tear stained. Never had anyone seen Ellis Webber so clearly hurt. 

"How is she?"Ellis almost choked as she held her son. Theo pulled back to look in her eyes.

"She was in and out of consciousness. Mum she's a mess, she..he... they police said it looks more like attempted murder" The words were like razor blades. 

They all felt guilty, they felt like they ignored the warning signs, the way she detached was the biggest one of those. They felt partly responsible for what had happened, for why she was here.

Lexie snuggled into Jackson, her tears running down his scrubs as he comforted her. It felt like an enternity before April came out.

"Owen is going to prepare for surgery, she has multiple fractures and breaks to her ribs, one of her fingers is broken and there is severe bruising everywhere. We have found very new injuries but also old ones, we can see what appears to be an old fracture to her ribs that healed itself. We found... severe wounds to her thighs from what we think could be a belt, burn marks, apparent signs of sexual assault from the vaginal bruising. Meredith consented for us to check. The police will want statements from anyone. There is severe bruising to her cheek bone and jaw. There is a large shard of glass compromising her lung"  April finished, holding back her own tears as she relayed the rough version of what they could visually see. 

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