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Another two weeks had passed within a blink of an eye. A whole three weeks and two days since the attack. Meredith had been discharged a little over a week and a half ago. Back to the home she grew up in, into the room that had been decorated with each phase she had growing up.

She was a shell of herself, terrified to leave the comfort of the house, she spent most days in the fetal position crying, choking back sobs until she'd fall asleep. She barely ate, she barely spoke. Although three weeks had passed the deep cut on her lip was still there. The bruises had started to fade but surgery cuts, the areas the glass pierced still held the evidence of her pain, of her biggest fight.

She once believed she'd never be like this no matter how her and Kyle ended. But before she never anticipated him almost beating her to death. She had tried to be strong but everything overwhelmed her. The moment things around her were quiet she would drift back to the dark world she'd lived in for eight months.  She tried to stop thinking about it but she couldn't. 

Most nights her piercing screams would alert Ellis into the bedroom where she'd hold her for hours, kiss her head and tell her she's safe. She experienced nightmares as well as the worst panic attacks Ellis had ever seen. Ones where all colour would drain from her face as she struggled for breath.

Lexie had been battling her own demons as she watched April and Jackson grow closer before her eyes despite she and Jackson being together. His distance brought her closer to Mark. She had spent more time with him than Jackson in the time since Meredith's attack. She had become close to Amelia too. She'd seen Derek often especially once the kids were back in their school routine. Mark was almost nearly always by Derek's side.

She had watched as Derek parented his daughter, showed her nothing but love and affection. He was the man she could see her sister with in the future. It was a gut feeling. She'd been hanging out with them many times when he would disappear with Sofia to talk to Meredith on the phone. It was one thing that brought her peace, Meredith was talking to someone even if in little words.

Derek and Mark had begun their work on Meredith's case. Piecing a timeline together, they had few images Meredith had sent from the early abuse she'd recieved in the first weeks as well as many screenshots of threats he had sent her over the phone.

Meredith's eyes slowly opened as the cool breeze from the window washed over her body. She slept with the security latch on. She'd figured out in the past couple of nights if she slept with the window open slightly with a warm light on in the corner she could sleep without any terrors.

She felt more refreshed, a little more like herself as she stretched out. She let a light wince escape her lips, her ribs still aching from the break and bruising.  

The first thing she did was shower, she washed her greasy hair with her new favourite lavender shampoo and conditioner. She knew she needed to do these things for herself, for her recovery and sanity.

She dressed in black cotton leggings with a blue long sleeved floral top that she had tucked in. Sitting at her dressing table she decided on wearing minimal makeup. Concealer for her bruises with mascara and lip gloss. Just those little things with a spray of perfume made her feel more human, more like her, more in control. The bed was changed with fresh pink floral sheets, the curtains open, airfreshner had been sprayed and the rubish removed.

Stepping into the lounge Ellis sat drinking a coffee, her work things by her side. 

"Morning mum"Meredith smiled from the door. Ellis' head snapped around as a large smile fell onto her lips.

"You look amazing darling, are you feeling okay? I am so proud of you" She walked to her daughter and softly embraced her as she placed kisses to Meredith's forehead.

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