Ressurection F! (Part 2)

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Frieza was now Back on his Ship along with his Allies of Old and New, as he was Now Discussing with them.

Frieza: It had come to my attention by some Fool that Monkey Goku had gotten Far stronger. Isn't that Right Togama?

Togama was on the ground with Holes Punctured through his Joints as he was in Immense Pain.

Frieza: Exactly. So for the first time in my life ever I would actually need to Train.

His Most elite Soldiers the Ginyu force were shocked Beyond Belief!

His Most elite Soldiers the Ginyu force were shocked Beyond Belief!

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A/n: Ignore Ginyu for Now, but don't worry he will be Back. Trust me He'll be back.

Jiece: W-What!? Sir, You Never Trained before!?

Frieza: That's what I said wasn't it?

Jiece: Well yes but-

Frieza: I am A Mutant born with Immense Potential, I had no reason to Train.

Burter: That is Insane.

Guldo: You Know we're all Mutants too. You Know Except Recoome. He Just had Ballet Training.

Recoome: And Recoome has never Regretted it ever since.

Frieza: Though I now have my "Perfect" Training Partner.

In front of him was The Most Powerful Android ever Created, and he was not Pleased.

Cell: Do not try and Butter me up, Frieza. I know what You're always About, well No need. I had made my decision.

Frieza: And what is it?

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Frieza: And what is it?

Cell: I shall not.

Frieza was Taken aback slightly.

Frieza: What?

Cell: I may have your DNA But I am far more powerful than you are. I already have the Power of An SSJ2. You're not even as strong as A Normal Super Saiyan.

Frieza: Ohohohoho! You May Think You're so Freakishly Strong, But in reality, My DNA Was Tainted by the DNA Of those Humans, Monkeys, and Slugs. You are heavily weighed down because of those Traits you think make you stronger.

Cell: Cute. Well You Know we could pretty much argue until the Heat death of the Universe but I have Like... A Million better things to do. I only have two People on my Mind.

Frieza: And that is?

Cell: Gohan The Child who Killed me and... 

Frieza: Who?

Cell: Tien. You May have never met him and seriously if you did you would Hate him but he made me so Freaking neddled. I mean I never forgave him for that and I still don't. To be Honest the only guy I really Like is Yamcha. You never met him either but The guy has gone through too Much. Trust me I've seen his Death Bed.

Frieza: Hmph, Cute. Well, do as you Must Cell. We shall both Train and see who gets Stronger.

Cell: No Need. I've been in Vision Training for Over A Decade. I've literally imagined every single way Possible to Kill Gohan. So You do you I'll wait.

Frieza: Fine give me 4 Months.

Cell: Good. I'll wait 4 Months.

Cell then walked out as Frieza then Turned to Togama Sneering.

Frieza: Well I Guess you are my Training Partner now, Huh Togama?

Togama was still in Immense Pain as Frieza sinisterly smirked.

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