Twilight at the Son House!

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Soon Twilight had spent the entire day at the Library doing A Bunch of Research on Human stuff, as soon the school Was Closing Twilight resigned herself for the Night.

Y/n: Hey Twilight where are you going to stay for the night?

Twilight: I don't know I never thought that through. I guess I'll sleep in the Library tonight.

Y/n: Oh Hell no! You're not sleeping in the School Library! You're Staying at my Family's House Tonight!

Twilight: Are you sure about that?

Y/n: Yep! My Family should be Okay with that. Hold onto my Shoulder.

Twilight: Why?

Y/n: Just do it You'll see.

Twilight: Okay?

Twilight then did you and both teleported Back to your Home along with Spike!

Twilight: W-Wait, What was that!?

Y/n: I Used Instant Transmission. It's A Form of Teleporation.

Spike: That is so Awesome!

Y/n: Thanks. Now Talk to my Mom. She can be... High Strung.

You then walked inside with Twilight and Spike.

Y/n: Hey Mom! I'm Home!

Chichi: Y/n You were so Late, I was so worried about you! Are you Okay? Have you been eating enough?

Y/n: Mom, Please I'm Okay. I swear. Uh, These are my new Friends Twilight and Spike, and You see...

Y/n: ... And they need A Lot of Help so Can they Please stay here for the Night?

Chichi: Oh My Son is Growing up.

Y/n: Huh? What?

Chichi: This is exactly how your Father and I Met! He saved me when I was A Little girl and now we're Married! You two are star Crossed Lovers!

You and Twilight Then Blushed.

Y/n: (Blushing) No, No, No, No, No, No! We're Just Friends Promise!

Chichi: Oh Don't worry about it! I'll make an Extra Big Dinner Tonight! Please take her to your room. She can sleep there tonight.

Y/n: (Sweat drop) Yes Mom...

You then took Twilight to your room which had Anime Posters, Anime memorabilia, Some Capsule Corp stuff that was Gifts from Bulma, and A Bed with some Usual Bed stuff with An Extra cott for Guests.

Twilight: Wow this is A Nice Place.

Y/n: Yeah, My Dad grew up here.

Twilight: Really?

Y/n: All By Himself.

You then Picked up A Picture of Goku, 11 Year Old Gohan, and A Little Kid you after the former Two Trained in the Hyperbolic Time chamber,

Twilight: Your Father is A Strong Man.

Y/n: Yep, and so is my Brother. They both think so completely differently.

Twilight: What do you mean?

Y/n: You see my Dad has the typical Saiyan Mentality. He constantly wants to get stronger, fight strong Opponents, and Just have A Good time Training. Gohan is Different, He may have Rage Issues but deep down he is A Pacifist who refuses to fight unless it's absolutely necessary. I'm between the two.

Twilight: Really?

Y/n: Yep. You see I want to get super strong but not because I want to fight strong Opponents but because I want to protect everyone, though... It would be nice to have A Good Rival Like my Dad has in Vegeta. Those two had been trying to one-up each other for Years.

Twilight: They sound like Great People.

Y/n: Yeah.

Twilight: Where are they Now?

Y/n: They are currently on the God of Destruction's Planet honing their God Power.

Twilight: Oh Okay I- Wait, God of what Now!?

Y/n: Don't worry It's nothing you should concern yourself with.

Twilight: Oh Thank you. Wait where is Spike?

Meanwhile, Goten was Talking to Spike.

Goten: Wow, So You're A Dragon?

Spike: Yep!

Goten: I Bet You can't beat Shenron!

Spike: I think I can.

Goten: Really?

Goten then Pulled out A Picture of Shenron.

Goten: Can you beat him?

Spike: (Sweatdrop) I... Uh... I think Not...

Goten: You Know my Friend Trunks is Scared of Dogs.

Spike: Really?

Goten: Yeah, but he doesn't Like talking about it.

Spike: Oh Okay.

Chichi: Alright everyone Dinner is Ready!

Y/n: Yeah!! Dinner!!

Goten: Yeah!!


After A Very filling Dinner, you were ready to go to sleep when Twilight tapped you on the shoulder.

Twilight: Hey Y/n?

Y/n: Huh Yeah Twilight?

Twilight: (Blushing) Um... I'm A Little Nervous about the Fall formal so... Can I sleep with you?

Y/n: Yeah Sure, I got some room.

You then scooched over as Twilight lay next to you.

Twilight: Goodnight Y/n.

Y/n: Goodnight Twi.

Twilight: Goodnight Spike. Hopefully, Tomorrow will be A Great day.

You all then asleep as Chichi was watching from The Ajar bedroom door.

Chichi: (Tearing up) They grow up so Fast...

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