Part 14: Oh, Christmas Gods

Start from the beginning

He's the fucking CEO. He's just a nice guy. I then replay Lisa's experience with the accounting dude. He stepped out on faith. He risked the possibility of being humiliated. Being rejected. I was all ready to do that yesterday.

I quickly weigh it out. I can risk being humiliated and rejected for the possibility of him. The possibility of us. I will risk it and not lose this moment.

Taehyung's POV

As I get closer to the door, it occurs to me I'm being a coward and a fool. This is my opportunity and I'll be damned if I'll miss it. I want this man in my life. Fucking go for it now, Taehyung!

Simultaneously we call out each other's name.


"Jungkook!" I turn and quickly walk over to him.

"Yes, Jungkook?" I ask, eager to tell him my truth.

"Come with me." What? "Don't be alone on this wonderful night of all nights. It's Christmas, Tae." Oh God, yes. Fireworks go off in my head as my smile expands and I move closer.

"Jungkook, I-I was going to ask you the same thing. I'd love to be with you and others on this beautiful evening."

Jungkook's lips are slightly parted, and his eyes appear wider. I think I startled him. I patiently wait for his response. Slowly a smile moves across his gorgeous face.

"What? Taehyung, you-you want to be with me? I mean like outside of work...really?" I chuckle at his cuteness.

"Jungkook, I have desired to be close to you since that day you nearly ran me down in the elevator."

"Really, Tae?"

"Yes, really."

"Well, if you think about it, I didn't run you down. You were—"


"Yes, Tae?"

"Please don't start a rant."

"Oh, Okay. Sorry." His cheeks show a gentle blush. What an adorable little bunny.

"Well, we should go. Are you driving? Because I only have a bus pass," Jungkook says with a chuckle.

"Yes, I have a vehicle," I say softly laughing at him. "I have a change of clothing in my vehicle more suitable for your invitation."

"That's fine. I live just across the street and need to quickly change and grab my gifts. It won't take long."

"Do you need help? I'd be happy to assist you."

"No, as I said, I just live across the street and can handle my packages on my own. But thanks for the offer." He smiles shyly.

Jungkook's POV

There is absolutely no way I'm letting Mr. CEO see my tiny ass apartment. If I had a ton of packages, I still wouldn't let him up to my ultra small space.

"No, no I can handle it." I tell him as we walk outside together. I then point out my building. He heads to his vehicle. As I walk across the street, it feels as though I'm floating.

What the fuck just happened? Oh God! Taehyung, Mr. CEO, wants to spend time with me. Thank you, Lisa! Thank you, dude from accounting! My head is spinning, and I can't believe it.

I snap out of it as I enter my apartment. Good thing I wrapped and organized everything into two large plastic bags. The packages are awkward but not very heavy. After all, I was going to carry them on the bus.

Damn, I should probably ask Lisa if it's okay that I bring our CEO to Christmas dinner. But I don't have my phone. I freshen up and change my outfit before leaving.

As I carefully carry my load down three flights of stairs, my nervous anxiety turns into doubt. Is he really into me? Does he want to be my buddy and watch sports or date and fuck my brains out? Oh, Christmas Gods, please let it be the latter.

Taehyung's POV

I change in the shelter's employee bathroom. I slide on my suit jacket and comb my hair, standing in front of the mirror. I pull in a deep breath and then turn on the faucet. My hands shake a bit as I run them under warm water.

As the door shuts behind me and I walk towards the exit, I hear a friendly voice.

"Someone's looking dapper and has a pep in his step." I turn to see a smiling Dae approaching.

"Oh, hi, Dae." I say and give her a tight warm hug.

"You don't look like you're going home for the usual Christmas classic movie marathon." She raise a suspicious eyebrow at me.

"Uh, no, I've been just invited out to a Christmas gathering with, uh, Jungkook."

"I like that boy. He's my new unofficially adopted son." Her smile beams.

"What?" I speak. "Now you have two of us. Not sure I'm liking that."

"Oh, I have enough love for you both." Dae's kindness and warm spirit knows no bounds.

"Thanks for what you did, Dae. You're a blessing in my life. And I love you." Her eyes go wet as she struggles to speak. "Y-You just take care of him. Did you know he has no family?"

"Yes, I did, Dae. It's very sad."

"This is a terrible time to be without family, Tae. You take good care of him. You need each other. Having me is not enough." She sweetly pats my face.

"Thanks, Dae."

"Now get your ass out there and go get your man." I turn to leave and then turn back to her.

"Dae, did you get your Christmas gift?"

"I certainly did and it's perfect. The best gift I've received in many years," Dae says smiling up at me.

"Why do I have a suspicion you're not talking about the earrings I gave you?"

She just smiles.

"Go," she says gesturing towards the door with her hands.

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