"You're already unappealing as it is," Miko remarked, giving her a gentle pat atop her head. "Take care of yourself." Without another word, Miko headed up to the register to pay, dumping her change in the tip jar on her way out.

Anri, with her eyes wide in disbelief, watched her ex leave. Who the hell was she supposed to tip now? What just happened? That was an insult, right? Or was she worried?

Her face glowed red from embarrassment as she averted her gaze from every staff member in the shop. Desperate to distract herself, she swiped at her phone to the camera and inspected her face. Even after their breakup, Miko's words still affected her so much; she sighed and wiped at the dark circle and dry skin. She took a deep breath and hastily devoured all the food in front of her, leaving not a single crumb.

"Shit," she cursed with one glance at the time on her phone, swiftly sweeping up all her books and miscellaneous papers into her bag. She dug out a mask from her pocket and hastily left the cafe.

Then darkness overtook her. Serena groaned as she adjusted back to her current reality, blinking away the painful sleep from her eyes.

Why does her dream always feel so real? She lies flat against the bed and laughs bitterly. "It's like going back in time."

The scene in her dreams and her past life was the midst evolution between the Miko she had once dated and the Miko she married. The start to their second relationship. It was even referenced in my first published novel. And, of course, Anri attended her photoshoot, anything to pass the classes she paid for.

Serena pulled the bed sheets over her head, her face contorted in shame as she frustratedly kicked at the bedding. She just couldn't get Miko out of her mind after their breakup. Where is she? How is she doing? Who is she with? Is she seeing anyone? "I nearly went insane," Serena said, absolutely mortified. Anri stalked all her socials and every media coverage from her upcoming acting debut. She even followed her to university. "The school didn't even cover my major," she mutters shamefully. "I took up many online courses to fill the gaps."

Miko, of course, didn't take kindly to Anri's stalking and had said some really hurtful things, which Serena acknowledged as justified.

"Saintess!" Serena frowned, tearing the covers off herself, and glanced at the commotion beyond her door. The door burst wide open as a maid rushed in.

"Rose?" Serena propped herself up, puzzled by why Rose was on this side of the annex. "What's with all this commotion? It's too early for me to start my daily rounds."

"Saintess," Rose called out again, her tone pitched higher than usual followed by a series of ragged breaths, you would assume she had just run a marathon. Serena blinked, startled. Rose is usually so well put together. Today, however, she looked visibly disheveled, the pins in her hair were hanging on for dear life, her uniform crumpled in areas that shouldn't be, and she was missing a cuff on her wrist.

"The lady—Lady Blanca—" Rose's face lit up as she impatiently spoke the words between each breath that she couldn't quite form properly, her hands waving wildly.

"What? What happened to her?" Serena got up immediately, trying to ignore the dancing spots that appeared in her vision from the sudden motion. "Is she okay?" her mind conjuring up the worst scenarios in mere moments.

"Yes! She's awake," Rose manages between gasps in her voice. "Lady Blanca is awake."

Even before Rose finished her words confirming the lady's condition, the Saintess rushed out the door. Pearl tilted his head in confusion, then roared toward where his sister would be only to notice that Obsidian, usually sleeping next to him, was missing. He whined and roared in distress before making a snap decision.

I refused the crown prince's proposal because I'm gay!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα