"I'll have to agree with you there." Darrel chuckled, turning into the city. "Nevermind that now. Just remember those names, you won't be able to get in without them." He informed us. "Make sure you don't go in together, either. If you both are obviously working together, it'll be suspicious."

"We know Darry." Soda smiled over to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about us. This is probably less dangerous than what we did a few nights ago." He laughed. Darrel sighed, his shoulders falling a bit. "I know Soda, It's just- If you two see anything, and I mean anything, that looks dangerous I want you to get the hell out of there." He paused for a moment, looking back at me in the rear-view. "This mission is nowhere near as important as your lives are. I don't want either of you getting hurt because you're trying to get more information. Okay?"

Me and Soda both nodded, noticing the shift in his demeanor. Darry was worried, like he so often was. He didn't usually let it show as much as he was now- but this was a big deal. None of us have ever gone this kind of undercover, or gotten this up-close and personal with the mafia. This could make or break the whole case.

7:45 am
New York City
Greenhill Lounge Parking Garage

He pulled into the same parking garage that we were in just three days before, being extra slow with picking a spot. "This is as far as I can take you." He frowned, turning to me and Soda. "Call me if you guys need to leave early, okay?"
Again, me and Soda both nodded. He sighed, giving us a sad smile. "I know you'll both do just fine. I'm just..." He paused before shaking his head. "Nevermind. Report back to me if you see anything useful."

"Will do, Darry." Soda nodded, getting out of the car. I did the same, waiting for Darrel to open his window. "See you soon, Darry." I told him. We all shared a quick hug before me and Sodapop went on our merry way. Soda checked his watch right before we turned the corner that the speakeasy was on, holding his arm out to stop me. "We gotta split up here. One of us'll have to be late."

I didn't respond. I fervently fixed my hair in the window, mind going a mile a minute. The worry was hitting me now, and I wished silently that I never volunteered. This is how I was going to die. Ponyboy Curtis, the idiot who went on a super important undercover mission under a stupid name wearing stupid clothes with stupid hair that won't do what he wants it to-

Soda snapped his fingers a few times in my face, smiling when I blinked at him. "There you are. Go ahead and go in, I'll be the asshole." He chuckled. I nodded, breathing out a slow sigh. "Alright. Okay. I'll go." I muttered, turning towards the street. He put a hand on my shoulder just as I began to take my first step. I turned back to face him, raising a brow.

"Don't sike yourself out, I promise it's not as bad as Darry makes it out to be. Just..." He thought for a moment. "Remember everything we told you- and, your name is Antonio Ricci. Don't tell anyone your real name." He said quickly, checking his watch again. I got the hint, speeding off. "Antonio Ricci, Got it." I breathed out as I turned the corner.

I walked towards the entrance on the side of the building, not the same one I remembered from a few nights ago. Two large men in sleek, black suits were by the door, standing at the sides and looking ready to fight anyone off. I sighed, making my way to them. They didn't even turn to face me when I got closer, just stood there like statues. I didn't recognize either of them, but that might be due to their large cheaters that only left their stone-cold faces. "Name?" The one on the left asked, voice deep and terrifying. "Antonio Ricci." I responded, trying for confidence.

The other checked a clipboard I didn't ever realize he had, scanning it with his finger. He flipped through two pages and I was starting to wonder if I had gotten the name wrong. But then his finger stopped and he spoke. "The new barkeep. Right on time." He said lowly, not an ounce of personality in his voice. They both stepped out of the way at once, opening their arms to signal me in. "Go to the fourth floor." One said.

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