27. Birthday Boy

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June 8th (Søren's Birthday)

Minnow's POV

I winced at the sharp coldness of the ice against my knee as I braced the ice pack on my skin.

I could already feel my joints swelling, an ache traveling towards my thigh.

Dickyi had pushed me hard today, making me go through the routine until I was near dizzy. I knew it was because my first competition was only in a few weeks but I felt like my body was overwhelmingly tired.

But I didn't want to tell her so I didn't say anything.

Thankfully this weekend was all about relaxing. I had already booked a spa and nail salon trip for Whitney and me. It was about an hour away, so I packed a small duffel and was planning on heading out once Whitney got here. She was supposed to get here any minute.

Davis had already called with updates about our visa. Things were moving in a good direction. We still had another interview coming up soon which I could tell was making Søren a little antsy.

I stared down at the small box before me, judging my wrapping abilities. Sitting at the breakfast table alone, my eyes instinctively wandered out towards the back windows. The backyard was empty, the pool glittering in the sunlight. I had noticed the small vegetable garden growing on the side of the house last week and finally realized why Søren's food always tasted so different. He used fresh fruits and vegetables.

There were so many new things I had realized that were different about him. He gardened, went on a run every morning, and didn't read as much. Well...as much as he used to.

Before he was never without a book, but now he seemed more social and busy.

I hadn't been brave enough to go into his study but I knew he probably had walls of books, a large collection of poetry and philosophy.

Sighing, I checked the time on the oven again, wondering when he'd been back. I wasn't sure why I was so paranoid anyway, there were new security cameras on almost every angle of the house. I watched Søren and Rylo put them up the other morning.

My nightmares weren't as intense or frequent as before but I still felt a sense of unease whenever it grew dark at night. I knew it was my mind playing tricks on me and making me crazy but I kept feeling like a sitting duck, waiting for something bad to happen.

And though having Søren sleep next to me made me feel a bit safer, I wondered if I'd ever reach the point where I'd let go of the breath I'd been holding for so long.

The back door opened and I jumped in my own seat, my mind racing.

Then I heard barking and Dink happily trotted into the kitchen, heading towards his bowl of water.

I quickly got up and tossed my makeshift icepack in the trash. I didn't want Søren to ask any questions.

He walked in with Sam, removing his leash. Sam was gone in a flash to get water.

"Good morning," He greeted, looking at me with a bit of surprise. With the amount of time he spent outside, the sun was making his freckles more apparent and his skin a bit tanner. He hung up the leash. "I thought you'd be sleeping."

"Gratulerer med dagen!" I managed to say, my hands out wide and smile on my lips. (Happy birthday!)

He paused at my use of Norwegian and then started to laugh, his eyes a bit wide.

"I tried, okay!"

"Thank you," he nodded, his smile so powerful that it unstabilized some part of my brain. He moved towards me but I shuffled around him and opened the fridge, pulling out a plate.

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