Are you comfortable again, sweetheart? 

He made sure to keep his hand moving at an even pace as the man rested against him. This time, however, his face was much closer since his head was now resting atop his right shoulder. Unfortunately, it was tucked again, only allowing him to see dark hair and... 

His nose is so cute. 

He couldn't see all of it, of course, but what he could see was absolutely adorable! 

Wait a second. Why am I fangirling over some random guy's nose? 

His mind immediately reminded him that it was Prince's nose, but then seemed to fumble, itself, as it registered that Baron was the human version and Prince was the animal. The animal was obviously adorable, but the human? 

He was about to tell himself that Baron was not adorable, and in all honesty, he couldn't even see the guy right then besides his dark hair, but his mind couldn't seem to put two and two together. Or, really, that it was putting two and two together. 

Prince was cute and Prince was Baron, so Baron was cute because Prince was cute and he was Baron. 

I... my head hurts. 

Instead of dwelling on whether or not Baron was cute any longer, since that didn't seem like a good line of thought, King calmed his thrumming heart and closed his eyes again, allowing his body to relax and finally drift back off to sleep. 

The next morning he awoke to a snuggly Prince, with Baron nowhere to be seen. 

It was honestly for the best, though, since his mind was still a bit confused about what had happened the previous night. 

You already saw his face on his license, so what's the difference?

Groaning, King reached up and rubbed at his face with his hands, unsure of how to answer his internal dilemma. 

His dramatic morning was interrupted by a tap against his arm, then a damp lick at the same spot a moment later. When he still didn't respond, a loud squeak was Prince's follow-up. 

"Alright, alright. I'm up," King grumbled as he slowly pushed himself up into a seated position, then yawned. 

He had a Prince in his lap a second later, chattering away about how breakfast was late even though it was only... He glanced at his phone. 

Oh, darn. It is late. 

It was already noon. 

"Ah, sorry bud. Let's get you some breakfast," he said as he picked up Prince and sleepily walked into the other room. 

By the time they got to the kitchen Prince had told him all about how he was being starved to death with late breakfasts and lunches forgotten until dinner time. He honestly hadn't heard the little guy chatter so much in days. 

"Here, you little turd," King mumbled as he reached into the fridge and got out a turkey and lettuce wrap. 

Prince quickly took the proffered item with both paws, then inhaled it in less than five seconds. 

I... have I been underfeeding you? 

It was clear that Prince had gained weight and was likely around eight pounds now, up from the five or six he'd previously weighed. 

How much is too much though? he thought as he handed Prince a second wrap, then got one for himself. 

His phone rang right as the fridge door shut, and considering the familiar ring tone, he didn't hesitate to pick it up. 

Raccoon-(mxm) (Rever series 6)Where stories live. Discover now