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Evangeline in the media xD


Evangeline Salvatore was different in many ways. She knew this ever since she was young but she only began to accept it after she faced tragedy in her family. Growing up, she began to look different than the rest of her family.

While her brothers' skin became a pale or tanned color, her skin darkened further than the rest. Not only that but she grew a head full of wild brown curls and her parents could no longer deny that she was different but they loved her anyway. That is, until her mother's affair was discovered. After that, things were never the same. Her parents didn't give her loving looks but instead those of regret and her brothers were fighting constantly because of a girl named Katerina Petrova.

Evangeline's world fell apart when who she thought was her father killed her biological one and then her and her brothers right after.

Just when she thought she was free from the world, Evangeline awoke a whole new person so scared, hurt, and confused she fled hoping to never return.

More than a century and a half later, Evangeline returned to Mystic Falls feeling renewed and with a lot to tell her brothers.

There she meets not only the doppelganger and her friends but also the Big bad Hybrid Niklaus Mikaelson, otherwise known as the devil.

What happens when Evangeline finds herself drawn to the devil and she tells him her story? What happens when the devil finds himself drawn to the very different Salvatore girl? Will he see her as a threat or a second chance at love?

Hey everyone! I'm JarrodYouSuck--thanks to Teen Wolf for the name--and this is my first story on Wattpad and I'm really excited to share it with you! I've been wanting to put something on here for a long time and what better than a Klaus love story? Anyway, enjoy and prepare for something different!

Devil May Love |  Niklaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now