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☆ 66. Chapter 62font record

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Chapter 62:

In front of the north gate of the K city base, an inconspicuous small motorcade came, mixed in with the long queue, and lined up to wait to enter the base. It looked no different from other motorcades and people.

The scorching sun is scorching, making everything on this uncovered land seem to melt. The same goes for people. Some weak people, even if they are hiding in a car or under the shadow of a car, will be burned. There is a feeling of being roasted.

In the small motorcade, a girl complained softly: "It's so hot. When will it be our turn? Do we have to line up like this? It's just a small base, but the scene is very big... ..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a middle-aged man beside the car scolded in a low voice: "Shut up! If you still can't figure out what to say and what not to say, turn around and go back as soon as possible. It's not you who can make a kid here. You have a bad temper."

This reprimand was merciless, and the girl choked. The indulgent look was still on her face, but her eye circles were suddenly red.

I don't think I have ever been scolded like this in my whole life. Those big tears were rolling in my eyes, and I looked extremely pitiful.

In the back seat of the car, an older woman sitting next to the girl hugged the girl distressedly and said to the middle-aged man: "Uncle Huai, Cancan just complained casually, so don't complain to him. It's so severe. When has she ever suffered like this since she was a child?" The

middle-aged man named Uncle Huai's face was still serious, even cold: "Today is different from the past. Now we are in despair. She is so old. If the young lady doesn't change her temper, not only will she suffer, but she will also drag all of us down."

The older woman took a breath, but she couldn't refute this sentence.

Today is different from the past. It is true that today is different from the past. Otherwise, given their status, how could they be reduced to waiting in line in the bright sun like so many ordinary people?

She sighed softly and said nothing more, but comforted the girl in a low voice.

The girl was half-carried by him as if she had found a supporter. She leaned against her arms with red eyes, and secretly glanced at the middle-aged man outside the car while she wasn't paying attention.

The middle-aged man had an expressionless face.

How long has it been, and I still thought that I was that high and mighty young lady who couldn’t carry things clearly.

But it happened that the girl in front of them was the most critical part of the plan they were going to implement this time when they came to the K-city base.

In order to make the eldest lady cooperate obediently, I had to coax her as much as possible without scolding her.

He couldn't help but wonder if the patriarch's plan could be realized? Will it be counterproductive for them to do so?

From the time the sun was high in the sky until the sun set in the west, their small convoy finally arrived at the gate of the base.

The gate of the base is right in front of you. There are registered staff at the gate, soldiers with guns, heavily armed quarantine personnel, and soldiers patrolling back and forth on the high city wall.

Everything tells that this base is heavily guarded and strict against outsiders.

Thinking of the few people in this base, the middle-aged man solemnly warned: "Remember, don't give your names wrong when you register later. Your surnames are Rong, one is Rong Yan, and the other is Rong Can. You are from the S City base. You were from S City before the end of the world."

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