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☆ 9. Chapter 9 [Revision]font record

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Chapter 9 [Repair]

After some research, Yu Xue finally determined one thing.

The thorns of the cactus also played a role in transforming her body. The most substantial manifestation of this effect was that her vines grew thorns!

Looks super fierce!

She urged the vines to hit the pillow with a whip, and the big white goose pillow she just bought had a rough edge with barbs.

It looks very lethal.

She touched her beloved pillow a little distressedly, but she was quite happy in her heart. The vines had become more lethal, which was a good thing!

And in addition to the thorns, the vines have also become thicker and longer, and are much stronger, becoming more and more like a whip.

But soon, she stopped laughing.

Because the vine still couldn't be taken back into her body, the thing still had to be wrapped around her hand whenever she went out.

There was such a long strip of thorns wrapped around the arm...

Laifu looked at its scrapper curiously, sometimes happy and sometimes dejected. Human emotions are really strange, unlike it, which is happy every day and has no worries.

By the way, how could it run into the bedroom and sleep?

Although I am very happy to stay with the poop scraper, the floor is not as comfortable as the dog house. The dog is now a hairless dog and it is very cold to sleep on the floor!

The dog ran out to find his beloved kennel. Yu Xue was immersed in her own world and didn't notice it.

Although it became more difficult to hide the vines, the pain was gone, and most importantly, she no longer had the worry of cactus growing on her body, so Yu Xue was still in a good mood.

After washing up, she cooked herself a large pot of noodles. After finishing the noodles, Lulu finally comforted her hungry stomach.

In the morning, she stayed at home and practiced the new vines.

There was a beam at the entrance, and she tied a rope to it, tied a piece of pork belly taken out of the refrigerator, and used it as a target to whip the thorns with vines.

At first the pork belly was frozen solid, and she whipped it away. The next moment it swung back menacingly, and with every whipping, the barbs on the vines left traces on the meat.

As the meat thaws little by little, the barbs will scratch the meat. By the end of the practice, the pork belly has been thinned out, and strands of meat hang down like a rag.

Yu Xue stood one meter away, poking at it with vines, and the meat flew up. She poked at the same place every time, practicing her accuracy. She didn't change until this place was poked through. Keep poking in another place.

So this piece of meat ended up with countless holes, which were worse than a rag.

Yu Xue stewed it at noon. It was very delicious. She ate a big pot of rice with a bowl of braised pork belly.

Yu Xue, who had tasted the sweetness, decided to go out to look for mutant plants today.

This time, she chose the flower and bird market near Fu'an Community.

Then she discovered a pot of mutated pitcher plants and a pot of mutated spider plants.

This time she learned a lesson and wrapped the two potted plants tightly, and carefully brought 404 in at night: "Duoduo, look, I brought some snacks for you." After a while,

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