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☆ 46. Chapter 42font record

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Chapter 42

Yu Xue didn’t wait too long. The gatekeeper came back and brought back a blood test report. He handed it to Yu Xue: “Your blood test report has come out. It’s just that they were too busy there. Just now It hasn't been entered into the system yet."

Yu Xue took it and saw that most of the indicators above were negative, and only the alpha factor was positive. She couldn't understand what these tests were about, but the final conclusion was that it was normal.

With this, she can leave here and move freely in the base.

Yu Xue thanked the other party, entrusted the little girl to Lao Zhu and Xiao Zhao, and left quickly through the exit at the other end.

The blood test results of the little girl, Lao Zhu and others haven't come out yet, so she doesn't have time to wait for them to leave together.

However, she can come out. Her car is still being disinfected in another place and she cannot pick it up for the time being. Yu Xue asked someone, "Excuse me, where can I make a phone call?"

"Oh, you go out this way, right. Turn around and you will see a phone booth."

There are many phone booths in this base, because the current communication system has been re-established and the communication signals are also new. The previous mobile phones are not easy to use.

When making calls, the best signal is to use a phone booth, followed by the new mobile phone launched from the base.

Yu Xue walked over as the man said and saw a red phone booth. She walked in and made a call based on the business card left by Fang Biao.

In less than five minutes, Fang Biao showed up in his car.

He is still active at the city gate, where a large number of new people come in every day, and these are all potential customers.

Yu Xue waited for his car to stop and said, "I want to go to this place. Just find me a driver who is familiar with the route and take me there."

She gave the address of the little girl Yueyue's mother.

Fang Biao smiled and said: "I'm familiar with this place. It just so happens that I don't have anything else to do. The driver doesn't have to find anyone else, it's just me."

Fang Biao was well-informed. He knew what happened in the waiting hall not long ago. He already knew it, but he didn't expect that the nosy person was actually someone he had met once before.

He thought to himself that his vision was really good. Just when he felt that this person from H City was no ordinary character, she started to make some noise.

Seeing what he said, Yu Xue said nothing. Anyway, she just wanted to find a driver who could take her to the place as soon as possible. She directly opened the car door and got into the passenger seat: "Let's go, help me find the hostess of this house, the reward is not a problem." "

That's it, I'll ask the brothers below to find this person first, so that we don't rush. It's all gone."

Fang Biao took out his cell phone and made a call, gave a few instructions, then stepped on the accelerator and drove off.

On the way, Yu Xue asked Fang Biao about the isolation camp.

"The isolation camp is the most frightening place in the base. There is one in each district, and there is one at each city gate. Any infected wounds or blood tests that fail are found. Once discovered, they will be immediately escorted to the isolation camp.

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