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☆ 8. Chapter 8 [Revision]font record

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Chapter 8 [Repair]

At eight o'clock in the evening, Yu Xue came to 404 with a bag.

The masters have already finished work, and it is dark in 404.

Yu Xue closed the door, turned on the flashlight, and placed it on a wooden table set up by the decoration masters. The light illuminated the surrounding area.

Everything here is in a mess. I have been doing carpentry these days, so wood is everywhere, and there is a smell of wood floating in the air.

Yu Xue called softly: "Duoduo? Duoduo? Can you hear me?"

After a while, the guardian spirit said: "Master, I am here."

The young and crisp voice echoed in the room, not very loud, but very clear, carrying There is an indescribable sense of calmness.

Yu Xue breathed a sigh of relief for no reason: "How are you these days?"

"I'm fine, Master, but you, it seems, are not in good condition..." Duoduo paused, "Master, you brought mutated plants. ."

Yu Xue sighed, feeling very tired all of a sudden. She opened the bag with a grimace, and found something wrapped in layers of bags.

Peeling it off layer by layer, it was a cactus that had been dug out of the soil, smashed to pieces, and all the sharp thorns had been pulled out.

The original appearance was almost unrecognizable, and all the juice in the bulb was leaking out.

Yu Xue was a little embarrassed: "Well, if it's smashed like this, can it still absorb energy for you?"

She took out another plastic bag, which was full of cactus thorns. Each one was thick and hard, and glowed dark red. , as if it were human blood: "Its thorn is here."

Duoduo said: "Yes, but Master, were you injured by it?"

Yu Xue scratched his face: "I was accidentally pricked a few times." She showed the back of her hand and said, "Here, that's it."

There were three small bumps on the back of her hand, just like mosquito bites. They were a little red and swollen, with a small bleeding spot in the middle.

Duoduo asked: "How does it feel?"

"Ah, it was a little painful when it was first inserted. Now, it's a little hot and itchy, just like being bitten by an insect."

Yu Xue was a little embarrassed: "I didn't expect that. It's such a small ball, but it can actually take the initiative to attack, and it was stabbed." It's

a bit embarrassing to say this: "You said that I was cut by the mutated emerald tree before, and a vine grew out. This time, I was stabbed by the cactus. Wound, won't a cactus grow on the wound?"

She looked at the back of her hand, obviously very worried.

Forget about growing vines, just a few cactus growing on her body... Before the end of the world comes, she will be taken away to be sliced ​​and studied, and then she will make a huge contribution to the discovery of mutant plants.

Duoduo said: "Probably not. It's my fault. I shouldn't have asked the master to help me find mutant plants."

Yu Xue waved her hands hurriedly: "I was careless. What does it have to do with you? By the way, what are you going to do? Absorb energy and start quickly."

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