Chapter 9: Gossip Night

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"I'm never watching a horror movie ever again" William declared after finishing the movie. "It was not even that scary..." Albert struggled to talk as they both laughed. "I hate you both" Louis and Albert looked at each other before hugging each other, pretending to be hurt.

"Wait no—I was joking. I love you both" William quickly apologized as they both grinned. "Enough of that, so what happened with you and Mr Holmes?" Albert asked as he laid down on his stomach, resting his head on his hands.

"Now that you've mentioned it, I'm quite curious too" Louis said now hugging his knees. William smiled as he remembered the sweet kiss he and Sherlock had, his cheeks darkening.

"Oh something did happened!" Louis asked, fully invested. "Spill, spill now girly" Louis demanded.

(A/N: Keep in mind guys, they are in the 21st century so their words usage will be modernized and so will their personalities also they're Gen-Zs. Also I think it's very iconic how I made Louis and Sherlock besties)

"Jeez.. keep your noses out of my business" William joked. Albert formed his mouth in a thin line as Louis has a mischievous smile on his face. "You know what? If you won't tell me, I will ask another person!" Louis announced as he took out his phone and FaceTime the detective.

"Wait—Louis no-" William who knew how blunt Sherlock would be and how Louis would react. Oh well, I live for some drama. "Actually Louis, put him on speaker" Louis grinned as he pressed his phone close to his face, waiting for Sherlock to answer.

"Hello?" Sherlock asked from the phone. "Hey Sherlock" Louis started. "Lou?, Why are you calling me at this hour?" Sherlock asked slightly annoyed. "Oh you know, we're having a gossip night" Louis turned the camera facing the back as William smiled warmly, waving at the camera and Albert threw in a peace sign.

"Oh? Sounds fun" Sherlock replied as Louis switch his camera back to facing him. William couldn't help but scooted closer to Louis so that his face could also be visible in the camera. William slightly blushed at the sight of the detective naked upper half being covered by his blankets. William stared at the broad and strong looking shoulder.

"And now we want William to share a piece of his gossip from today and he told us to keep our noses to ourselves!" Louis scoffed as William covered his mouth with his hand, covering his laugh.

"Oh hey Liam!" "Hi Sherly" William replied with a smile. Louis scoffed as he rolled his eyes at the sudden change in Sherlock tone when talking to William.

"Wait one second—Mycky get out of my room!" Albert perked up, interested in the name as he scooted closer to Louis so now the three brothers are all visible through Louis' phone.

"You oaf! You told me you were going to sleep" Mycroft voice could be heard. "Well forgive me for having insomnia!" Mycroft laughed as he sat next to Sherlock.

"Hold my phone—Let me go get a shirt" Sherlock groaned as he handed his phone to Mycroft.

"Oh hello, didn't expect my stupid brother to have friends especially very handsome friends!" Mycroft talked to the Moriarty brothers.

"I'm talking about the brunette boy by the way" Mycroft winked at Albert through the camera as Albert smiled. "Well thank you Mr Holmes"

"Get out of my roommm" Sherlock yelled at Mycroft as he took his phone back, his upper half now covered. The Moriarty brothers heard the Holmes brother bickering for a bit before hearing the door closed, Sherlock sighed.

"Sorry about that, it's my annoying brother" Sherlock scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "What was it again?"

"Louis wanted you to tell them about the science fair, Sherly" William answered. "No thanks.. I'm good. I don't want to get killed too soon" Sherlock nervously replied, making Louis and Albert suspicious of them.

"Why not! What's the point of gossip night if you are not going to tell?!" Albert protested. "You wouldn't understand brother" William said as he smiled mischievously.

"Oh right, Sherly, my student actually shared the video of you guessing my occupation to the group chat with my students and I in it. Someone recorded it and post it on Twitter snd Tiktok and you won't believe what they said"

Louis now set the phone down so that the three of them would be visible through the camera, using the little table's legs as the phone stand, including Sherlock in their gossip night.

William took out his phone and opened the group chat, reading out his students response. "Okay so uhm.. James said—" "James?" Albert asked.

"Yeah, I think he was the James Bond from our past since they both looked exactly the same but anyway, James said 'If this isn't love at first sight, I don't know what is'" William read James' commentary as Albert and Sherlock laugh.

"Look, here—Josephine said 'I would kill to have the detective Sherlock Holmes stare at me like that' and oh, this is a pretty obvious one but Fred said 'He's definitely in love with Professor' and he tagged me"

William went on to read more of his students commentary as the four of them talk more. "You know what? I don't think it was that obvious!" Sherlock said. William scoffed as he looked at the camera. "That's what you think until you see the video—wait I'll send it to you" William forwarded the video to Sherlock as he shared it with his brothers to watch.

Oh boy, It's going to be a long night. William thought with a smile on his face.

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