2. Death

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Sydney was resting on a bench outside the hospital while she waited for the ambulances to come to the hospital. She was texting her best friend, Allison, to come over. As she sent her text, Sydney saw several ambulances coming into the bay area. She hurried back into the hospital. Once she got into the emergency station, she grabbed the PA system microphone. She took a couple breaths of air. She heard paramedics on the radio explain the I-5 accident as fatal and terrible. She saw Lindsey grab the radio.

"Incoming patients. Possibly critical for severe patients. Possibly fatalities." Sydney blasted the PA.

As soon as the first patient came into the emergency room, Sydney guided paramedics to the triage rooms down the hallway. As the first ambulances left, there were two more ambulances coming into the bay area. Sydney joined the others in her group in the last triage room. It was a little boy, six years old. He was crying due to pain in his left leg. The little boy had blood stains on his school uniform. Sydney worked to stabilize his leg with the other nurses. Lindsey put an I.V. in his right. Dr. Burns ordered the boy to be taken to Radiology for X-rays and scans. Megan took him up. Sydney decided to look for the boy's mother in the other triage rooms. The mother was not in them. Sydney thought about the boy's father. She went back to the triage room. Sydney saw the boy's chart. The boy's name was Tyler Louis King. He was a Libra, born on September 30th. He was six years old. Tyler's father, Jack, was in the accident. He had major injuries. She searched for Jack in the triage rooms. Sydney found Jack in triage room seven.

Sydney walked into the room. She saw a man with a bandaged left arm. He was sitting up on the bed. Jack was a slim man. He had short gray hair with bright blue eyes. Jack's face had a little bit of blood. He had stitches on his left cheek. He was looking at Sydney.

"Is Tyler okay?" Jack asked Sydney.

Sydney walked over to the bed. "Yes, he is. He was mostly calm." She answered Jack. "Right now, he is getting an X-ray and a CT scan done."

Jack turned his head toward her. "Will there be surgery?" He asked another question.

"Depends on his leg." Sydney replied. "Do you have anyone to pick you up?" She asked Jack.

"My father. He works not far from here." Jack answered. He wrote his father's number on a piece of paper. Jack handed it to Sydney.

She took the paper from Jack. "I will make that call." Sydney told him. She left the room.

Sydney headed down the hall to the nurse's station. She dialed the number on the nurse's station phone. Jack's father answered the phone. Sydney told him about the accident on the Interstate. After the call, Sydney checked on the other patients. It had been a long day. She was ready to go home. Sydney looked at the clock. It was only six o'clock in the evening. She forgot to eat dinner. Sydney texted Gabrielle about dinner. Gabrielle made dinner. It was waiting for Sydney when she came home.


While in the warehouse, Luther was playing cards with Charles and Miriam. Miriam was beating Charles and Luther. After the card game, Miriam looked at the space needle in the distance. It was turning to night. Luther saw a few names pop up on his list. It was mostly elderly humans. Charles saw one of the cupids out. It was Zara doing her couples list. He liked Zara. Luther sighed. He had to leave for his next location. Before he left, Miriam stopped him. He turned his head toward the woman beside him.

"I'll be back, Miriam. Keep Chuck in check. Enjoy the night." Luther told her.

"I will," Miriam answered.

Luther disappeared from the warehouse. He reappeared outside a yellow house in West Seattle. He feels the saltiness of the air around him. Luther looked at his list. It was a seventy-year-old man named Norman Gates. He was going to die in his sleep tonight. Norman had a heart problem that no one knew about. A woman in black appeared beside him. She had beautiful green eyes. The woman never looked a day over twenty-five years old. Her hair was chestnut brown and long to her shoulders.

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