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Chapter 33

Halilintar looked around his surroundings before entering their house, trying not to look suspicious for possible snooping neighbors.

He was immediately greeted by his brothers (sans Blaze & Ice) sitting by the living room.

"Api and Air are with Tok Aba and Ochobot helping with the shop." He reported while setting aside some things he bought from a nearby grocery store, "At the moment they think I'm on an errand run to buy more ingredients."

Gempa nodded his head absentmindedly as he wrote on a notebook, before looking up at the rest who stared back at him expectantly.

Immediately his game face was on as he stood up and let Hali take his seat, "Alright, first thing's first. How are we doing with our investigation?"

"This one took me awhile to dig out from the archives." Everyone then turned to Solar who flipped through his papers, "So apparently, RevBot had already been in Rhadamanthus for quite some time now. According to Ice, it had been Adu Du & Probe's meddling that caused them to end up there in the first place. But unfortunately, it had been there for a couple of months now so we won't be able to prevent that from happening any time soon."

He placed an old, crumpled newspaper on top of the coffee table, "RevBot's disappearance made news on that date."

Gempa picked up the old paper with a frown.

"That explains why the Rhadamians were used to RevBot's routine when we got there!" Thorn spoke up, not noticing how the light manipulator winced in guilt.

"We should've locked up those idiots for good when we had the chance." Halilintar scowled.

"Now, now- those two may be up to no good all the time, but we all know they're really not those kinds of bad guys." Taufan tried to explain, "It's the reason why we always let them escape."

"The plan on stopping Adu Du from trying to steal it is a bust then." Gempa muttered, placing the paper back on the table and picking up the notebook he had been writing earlier, "So we don't really have any other option but to get that power sphere ourselves."

"We're just repeating the cycle." Solar spoke up as he crossed his arms, "One of us will eventually get hit and before we know it, we go back in time again."

"We can't let that happen!" Thorn exclaimed, looking tearful, "Api won't..."

...he won't survive the next Rewind.

Halilintar watched Gempa's grip tighten around the notebook.

"We were lucky this time." The latter eventually spoke as he turned to meet Hali's gaze, "If it weren't for Petir-"

"Don't praise me like I actually did something heroic." He interrupted the other sharply, "I could've pulled him out of the line of fire, but I was stupid enough to let us turn back time."

And even though it had been more than a month, he still remembered everything that happened afterward like it was yesterday.








Halilintar let out a sharp gasp and looked around in panic, adrenaline high from the battle- only to realize he was back in his shared room with Taufan.

"Wha-" Before he could comprehend what was happening he finds himself falling off the chair he had been sitting on and on to the hard unforgiving ground.

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