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Somehow, my parents don't know about me getting suspended. Maybe the school forgot or something, but I hope they don't remember. My parents think I go to school but what I really do is surf. I put a bikini on under my uniform.

Kie texts me at around twelve in the afternoon, she tells me that Pope got a letter that can help John B's tarnished name. She then tells me that they will meet up with me after schools over.

"No, you guys can't go to Charleston on a school night." My Mom says as she sits on one of her fancy patio chairs.

"Mom, this is our chance to finally clear John B's name!" I exclaim as I point at myself.

"Marley, I-" my Mom starts as she leans forward.

"What does it mean now for you to clear John B's name? He's gone!" My Dad says, little does he know.

"Micheal." My Mom starts, sounding sad for us.

"He's gone!" He repeats as he looks over at Kie.

"Micheal!" My Mom says as she stands up.

"You have to accept it!" He adds.

"Stop it!" My Mom shouts at him. "Listen to me guys, normally I would let Kie go but-" my Mom starts as she walks over to us.

"Why not me?" I ask in a hurt voice.

"Because she won't do something stupid." My Mom mutters as she sits back down on her chair.

"Yeah, were you ever gonna tell us that you got suspended?" My Dad speaks up.

"Shit." I say under my breath.

"Because I have so many reasons I could ground you right now and-" my Dad continues.

"Dad! Stop!" I shout at him. He stops but continues to glare at me. "I don't know why you guys are so mean all the time, when you're supposed to be my parents!" I shout as my voice shakes in sadness.

"Marley.." Kie breathes out sadly.

"Just name something that's bad about me." I say. "Just give me a reason." I add, my voice cracking as I try to hold back my tears.

"Everything." My Dad states.

"What?" I breathe out in pain.

"Everything about you is bad. Your disrespectful, your a brat, your a liar, your an actual joke to this family." He says as he numbers the reasons on his fingers. My heart sinks as his words stab into me like a knife.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" My Mom asks.

"I've never asked for anything but love from you guys and I can't even get that! Why can't you just treat me like how you treat Kie." I ask, tears rolling down my cheeks. "I can't do this with you guys anymore." I say as I motion towards them.

"Marley, wait-" Kie tries, her voice cracking.

"No- it's fine, I'm going." I say as I motion towards Heyward's truck.

"If you get into that car, you're out of the house!" My Mom shouts as I run down the steps.

"I'm out of the house!" I shout as I go and sit in the trucks seat, quickly wiping my tears away.

"Boarding school then!" She shouts, not knowing what's gonna make me listen to her.

"I don't care about boarding school- the school I literally got suspended from is one!" I shout as I stick my head out of the window, obviously it isn't a boarding school but they are as strict as one could be.

𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐯𝐞 || 𝐣𝐣 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤Where stories live. Discover now