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𝔸𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 let out a defeated sigh, his gaze drifting away to avoid the impending conversation. The weight of Boggs' penetrating stare bore down on him, an unspoken expectation lingering in the air. As seconds stretched into minutes, Boggs, interpreting Aries' silence as a sign of dismissal, prepared to stand up and rejoin the group. However, just when the atmosphere seemed irreversibly tense, Aries unexpectedly broke the silence.

"I was an 'unannounced baby,' is what people in my district say," Aries admitted, his voice carrying the weight of a story untold. The admission unfolded a tale of youthful indiscretion, the unintended consequences of a mother's early pregnancy, and the enigma of a father's elusive identity. Aries chuckled, finding dark humor in the narrative, yet Boggs couldn't help but feel a pang of pity for the young victor.

With a dismissive laugh, Aries continued, "I always wondered why she didn't just abort. Jump off a freaking stair or something. But turns out, being pregnant young makes you 'approachable.' Males pity you, and attention is given." As he recounted his tumultuous journey, Aries reached for a stone nearby, picking up a few pebbles that he absentmindedly collected throughout his story. Each pebble became a tangible marker in his narrative, tossed one by one to measure the distance they could cover.

Boggs, embodying the role of a patient listener, awaited Aries' words without interruption, even during moments of distraction. "Funny thing is, the same behavior doesn't apply when the baby is born," Aries continued, his tone shifting to a more somber register. "I got abandoned the second I came out of her, and she left the hospital. I was taken care for a few months before being thrust into the care of others. From families to families, I never stuck to one." The details of Aries' tumultuous childhood painted a vivid picture of instability and abandonment, creating a poignant contrast to the harsh realities of his past.

"They didn't want me. In their eyes, I was nothing but 'trouble,' 'cursed,' and, my personal favorite, a 'demon spawn.'" Aries erupted into laughter, the sound echoing in the air with such exuberance that a tear threatened to escape, fueled by the sheer absurdity of it all. "I thought that would be my life, defined by rejection and harsh labels. But then, a turning point emerged from the shadows in the form of a man named Alex. No, he didn't take me in, but he consistently brought me out—out to hunt, to learn, to truly live. In the vast expanse of my desolate existence, he transformed from a mere mentor into a great father figure, a beacon of warmth in a life where such figures were as rare as diamonds.

This became my life for a year, as I stayed on the streets. When the morning sun rose, my first instinct was to seek him out, knowing that the rest of the day would belong to us alone. It was just us two against the world."

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