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𝔼𝕊𝕋𝔼𝕃𝕃𝔸'𝕊 smile widened as she beamed at the camera, her eyes sparkling with genuine joy. She had just finished a successful segment alongside Caesar, and the positive energy radiated from her. Gently waving at the camera, she conveyed her gratitude to the viewers for tuning in.

Meanwhile, Caesar, the charismatic host, smoothly concluded the segment with his signature charm. With a swift turn towards the camera, he exuded confidence and professionalism. His voice resonated with authority as he declared, "Well, that's a wrap folks. Now, let's get back to our usual programming." His words were met with a round of applause from the crew, acknowledging another job well done.

As the applause faded, the soothing melody of music filled the studio, creating a serene atmosphere. The camera panned out, capturing the elegant set design and the bustling crew behind the scenes. The music acted as a transition, signaling the end of the segment and the beginning of a new one.

President Snow observed the events unfolding on the screen until Estella vanished from his screen. In his office, he maintained a stoic expression in response to Estella's interview. If anything, he felt a sense of pride that she possessed more composure and tranquility compared to Peeta, as she recounted her story. He believed her words and admired her actions.

However, he sees a younger version of himself in the young girl, which gave him reason to be suspicious. He can't tell if Estella is being genuine or playing a game with him. Despite her being his favorite victor, there was something hidden beneath the surface that he needed to be wary of.

As he glanced from the corner, a scullery maid entered his office to clean up after his tea, followed by his secretary with papers in hand. With his cold voice causing nervousness to fill the room, he simply asked, "How are the people reacting?" He desired a direct answer, eager to know the current state of affairs. "Sire, as you expected, Panem is mourning Aries's death. However, they are also filled with joy at the prospect of Peeta and Estella being together," his secretary responded.

President Snow let out a thoughtful "Hm," in response. Just as he was about to inquire further, a knock interrupted the silence, prompting him to pause. With bated breath, he awaited the arrival of the person on the other side of the door. As the door swung open, revealing Estella, his aged countenance seemed to radiate a rare sense of joy.

Despite still being adorned in her interview attire and full make up, Estella exuded confidence as she entered the room, her shoulders held high and a neutral smile gracing her lips. President Snow gestured for everyone to vacate the premises, allowing Estella to take her seat before him. Their eyes locked in a steady gaze, creating an atmosphere that resembled a strategic chess match. This time, it was Estella who held the power to make the next move, and both of them knew it.

President Snow leaned back in his chair, studying Estella's composed demeanor. He had expected her to be nervous, to falter under the weight of his presence, but she seemed unfazed. It intrigued him, this young woman who had managed to capture his attention with her intelligence and cunning. He had heard whispers of her abilities, her knack for manipulation, and her unwavering determination. Now, he was about to witness it firsthand.

Snow began the conversation with a sense of wonder, exclaiming, "Absolutely incredible!" Estella acknowledged his statement with a nod, but her expression froze halfway when he mentioned a specific name. "Like Peeta, I expected an emotional outburst, maybe even a tear shed for the loss of Aries," he commented. He carefully observed Estella, searching for any signs of emotion, but she remained motionless, revealing nothing.

"What a shame. Aries White. You two could have been together now, holding hands, a love that is unwavering, and so much more here in the Capitol," he mourned. Shifting his gaze to one of the many screens displaying the state of Panem and the ongoing rebellion, he added, "He chose to align himself with them."

Snow's words hung in the air, creating a tense atmosphere that seemed to suffocate Estella. She felt a mix of anger and sadness welling up inside her, but she refused to let it show. Deep down, she knew Snow was trying to provoke a reaction from her, to expose her true feelings and use them against her. But she was determined not to give him the satisfaction.

Instead, Estella maintained her composure, her face a mask of indifference. She had learned long ago that showing any vulnerability in the presence of Snow was a dangerous game. He thrived on exploiting weakness, using it as a weapon to manipulate and control those around him. Estella had seen firsthand the consequences of falling into his traps, and she refused to become another casualty.

As Snow continued to speak, his voice dripping with a mix of disappointment and disdain, Estella's mind raced. She thought back to the time she had spent with Aries. They had shared a connection that transcended the boundaries of their divided world, a love that defied the oppressive regime of the Capitol. But now, Aries had chosen a different path, aligning himself with the rebels who fought against Snow's tyranny.

And here, she was confused whether to believe Snow's claim of his death or not. Estella's heart ached at the thought of what could have been. It might sound ridiculous, the beast of Aries, dead. But when President Snow showed evidence about the so-called death, it had an effect. It was believable.

Whatever or wherever it is, Aries has made his choice, she is here. She was chosen to stay in the Capitol, to play the role of a loyal citizen while secretly working to undermine Snow's regime from within.

As she stared at the monitors displaying the rebellion's progress, Estella's resolve hardened. She knew that her actions, no matter how small, were contributing to the fight for freedom. She couldn't allow herself to be consumed by her personal desires when there was a greater cause at stake. Aries may have chosen to side with the rebels, but Estella had chosen to fight in her own way, using her position of privilege to gather information and aid the resistance.

"What a pity, indeed," her words resonated, causing President Snow to halt in his tracks and fixate his gaze on the young girl. A mixture of confusion and curiosity flickered in his eyes, gradually transforming into a sinister grin as Estella pressed on. With an air of pride and unwavering determination, she declared, "Yet here I stand, in the heart of the Capitol, long before you. I have fought for Panem, for the Capitol. This rebellion is nothing but a ludicrous charade, a mere Hunger Game that I shall emerge victorious from once more."

President Snow's icy blue eyes bore into Estella's, his thin lips curling into a malevolent smile.


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