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𝔸ℝ𝕀𝔼𝕊'𝕊 mood underwent a complete transformation. His mischievous nature and fiery temper seemed to vanish as he cautiously stepped through the solemn graveyard. It was as if he was honoring the deceased, even though he had no personal connection to them. There was an inexplicable feeling within him that guided his actions. Unlike his behavior during The Hunger Games, where he would squeal with excitement and joy upon encountering a body, here, he couldn't bring himself to do so.

Instead, he walked slowly and respectfully, his eyes scanning the gravestones for any sign of familiarity. He felt a sense of reverence for the dead, a feeling that he had never experienced before. It was as if he had suddenly matured, and the childishness that had once defined him had been replaced by a newfound sense of empathy and understanding.

As he walked deeper into the graveyard, Aries began to notice the intricate details of the headstones. He saw the names of people he had never met, but he felt a connection to them nonetheless. He wondered about their lives, their hopes and dreams, and the loved ones they had left behind. He felt a sense of sadness wash over him, but it was a different kind of sadness than he had ever felt before. It was a deep, profound sadness that came from a place of empathy and compassion.

As Aries pressed on, his path led him to a modest, irregular patch of grass. The contrasting shades hinted at a forgotten grave that the earth had long swallowed. Kneeling down, he gently touched the frigid, unyielding ground. A pang of sadness washed over him as he pondered the mystery of the unknown soul resting beneath. With unwavering determination, Aries delved into the soil, his hands seamlessly merging with the very essence of the earth.

Each handful of soil held the potential to reveal a clue, a fragment of the past that could illuminate the life that once thrived. His fingers quivered with anticipation, his heart burdened with a yearning for answers that seemed just beyond his grasp. For a moment, he contemplated creating a void in the earth, but then reality hit him like a ton of bricks. "...fuck, what on earth am I doing?" With a defeated sigh, he was on the verge of giving up, until his fingernail scraped against a buried stone.

His heart raced as if it might burst from his chest, his body frozen in place, his hand trembling with the weight of the soil. His mind raced, contemplating his next move. Having come this far, forever marking this grave, he might as well discover who he had disturbed in their eternal slumber.

And then, the regret washed over him like a tidal wave: 'Here lies Alex Perez...'

He couldn't comprehend what had transpired in those few seconds. All he knew was that tears streamed down his face as he wailed, louder than he had ever before. Aries frantically dug deeper, desperate to see more. "No, no, no, no..." His head shaking so rapidly that it was causing him to see blur but that didn't stop him.

He couldn't help but replay the memories in his mind, each one a painful reminder of the choices he had made. The tears that stained his cheeks were not only for the loss of a loved one, but for the loss of time, the loss of opportunities, and the loss of a chance to make things right.

"W-Why are you here?" As Aries continued to dig, his hands trembling with a mix of exhaustion and determination, he couldn't help but feel the weight of the world on his shoulders. The guilt and regret that had plagued him for so long had finally manifested itself in physical form, as he dug deeper into the earth, unearthing the remnants of a life that had been cut short.

The tarnished silver locket. Aries clutched it tightly in his hand, feeling the cool metal against his skin, as he tried to find solace in the memories it held. The faded photograph is now barely recognizable. And then there was the weathered journal.

And there, more clearly now, stood the headstone that bore the inscription: 'Here lies Alex Perez. A devoted father, a loving husband, and a true champion for the freedom of future generations.'

Aries retreated, falling onto his hands and knees. He couldn't find the strength to stand up. He cried like a baby, just like he did when he realized his parents had abandoned him. Now, he sobbed uncontrollably, shaking his head in disbelief. He was in front of the first person who had ever accepted him, who had welcomed him into their family.

The same person who had introduced him to his daughter: Estella Perez.

"Hey, Aries. I want you to meet the two incredible women who hold a special place in my heart - my stunning wife, Adeline, and our lovely daughter, Estella Perez..."

Aries snap, "Adeline... Ade-." He realized there was someone else he should be looking for. With delicate care, he placed a locket beside Alex's resting place before frantically scanning the area for Adeline's final resting place. "Ada..." His fingers dug into the soil, disregarding any sense of decorum. Aries was desperate to find his family, and he wouldn't stop until he did, even if it meant his fingers bled from the rough earth.

Aries's heart pounded in his chest as he continued his search, his mind consumed by memories of Adeline. She his guiding light, his sole mother figure. From one tombstone to another, his eyes darted anxiously, searching for any sign of her name. His hands dug close to Alex's grave, hoping they were buried together.

The wind whispered through the trees, carrying with it a haunting melody that seemed to echo his sorrow. Aries's hands trembled with a mix of anticipation and fear, his determination fuelling his every move. With each passing moment, the weight of his grief grew heavier, threatening to consume him. But he refused to let it overpower him.

His fingers, now raw and bleeding, continued to dig into the earth, unyielding in their pursuit The soil clung to his skin, mingling with his blood, as if mocking his desperate search. Time seemed to blur as Aries tirelessly combed through the graveyard, his eyes stinging with unshed tears. The sun began its descent, casting long shadows over the tombstones.

And then, just as despair threatened to consume him, he saw it. A small, weathered headstone nestled amidst a cluster of forgotten graves. Aries's heart skipped a beat as he rushed towards it, his breath catching in his throat. There, etched into the stone, was Adeline's name: '... an incredible mother and wife. In loving memories...'

A mixture of relief and anguish washed over him as he sank to his knees beside her grave. Tears streamed down his face, mingling with the dirt on his cheeks, as he whispered, "Why are you so far away from Alex?" Aries sighs out, despite his sight being blurred with his tears he manages to hold a smile before the grave, "You guys fought again?"


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