The Vargas Bunch

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"Oh, look! Here we are! Isn't the mansion beautiful, frattello?" The young Italian said.

"Si, very impressive grandpa! I especially like the roses over the head of the entrance to the front!" The older of the two said.

"Hmm, I knew you boys would love it!" Their grandfather said, "Lovino, Feliciano, I want you both to be happy here and have fun as brothers. Now, it won't be the three of us anymore; I've hired some very nice and trustworthy people to stay with us and keep you two company and help around the mansion. They're already here preparing lunch for us, so let's go inside and meet them, alright?" Their grandfather smiled.

"Si, Grandpa!" They both said, happily.

The family of three one by one stepped out of their limo and walked to the big entrance of the mansion. They were greeted with a smiling Spaniard opening the door for them.

"Hola, Vargas family! Please come in; the others are preparing your lunch." The Spaniard said, cheerfully.

"Grazi, Antonio. Will you lead us to the dining hall?" The Grandfather said.

"Si, of course, Mr. Julius."

Antonio lead them through the entrance of the mansion. They were met with beautiful expensive paintings hung on the walls and elegant rugs on the floor. The young brothers were amazed at the decor.

"Here we are; the dining hall." Antonio opened the door and revealed a large, long, and grand room. The long table and chairs were made with dark oak with a long white table cloth hung over it. Large candle and flower arrangements decorated the table. Several chandeliers hung from the tall ceiling.

There were 3 full course meals waiting for the Vargas family placed at the edge of the table welcoming them to their new home.

"The house chefs, Kiku Honda, and Francis Bonnefoy, created these meals for your arrival. Please enjoy." Antonio called the others to serve the Vargas family their drinks.

The boys dug into their meal. Since the family is Italian, the chefs are specialized in Italian food as well as a few other types.

As the family ate, Antonio introduced the house staff to Lovino and Feliciano.

"Since we are all going to live together, it would be best for you to get to know the staff." He smiled, "I am Antonio Fernández Carriedo. I am in charge of the staff under your grandfather, Mr. Julius. In this mansion, you each will have your own body guard, chef, and butler. There are six of us in total. I am Mr. Lovino's personal butler. The others will introduce themselves as well momentarily." Antonio walked and stood against the wall as Feliciano's butler introduced himself.

"Ni hao, I am Yao Wang, I am Feliciano's personal butler. I will always be nearby for any of your needs Mr. Feliciano." Yao went and stood next to Antonio. Each member of the staff stood by the wall after they spoke.

"Bonjour, I am Mr. Lovino's personal chef, Francis Bonnefoy. I can make anything you'd like whenever you'd like, Mr. Lovino."

"Konichiwa, I am Mr. Feliciano's personal chef, Kiku Honda. As Mr. Francis has said, I can make you anything at anytime, Mr. Feliciano."

"Hallo, I am Gilbert Beilschmidt and mein bruder, Ludwig Beilschmidt. We are your body guards. I am your body guard, Mr. Lovino, when you and your bruder are separated."

"And I am your body guard, Feliciano. We will protect you both from anything that could seriously harm you. Mostly, we are here to protect you from anyone who may want to hurt you because of your grandfathers fortune. But, while we're here, it'll be hard for anyone to get to you. Gilbert and I will also have rooms that connect to yours so that if there's an emergency, we will be there ASAP."

The staff walked around and took the dirty dishes from the Vargas family and headed into the kitchen to clean them, leaving the family alone for a moment.

"Woah, did you see our body guards? Ludwig is ripped! I couldn't take my eyes off of him!" Feliciano laughed.

"I didn't like him. He seems weird. I'm glad he's not my body guard! But I didn't see anything too bad about my half of the staff. I really like that Antonio guy though." Lovino smiled.

"I'm glad you both are happy with the staff on both of your sides. I've known these kids for years; they're all a few years older than you boys and they have always been loyal to me. There shouldn't be any problems. Now, I have to go back to Spain for a few months. I'll be back by Christmas; I promise." Their grandfather got up from the table and hugged and kissed Lovino and Feliciano.

"Ciao, Grandpa! See you at Christmas!" Feliciano waved goodbye as their grandfather left the dining hall.

"Ciao, Grandpa! I'll make sure Feliciano doesn't get into any trouble." Lovino teased.

"Good, I love you, boys! Bye!" Julius left the room and soon, the mansion on his way back to Spain.

As Julius left, Antonio and Gilbert left the kitchen into the dining hall where Lovino and Feliciano still sat.

"Would you guys like to see your rooms?" Antonio asked, as Ludwig and Francis walked into the dining hall joining them.

The twins nodded. They stood up an followed Antonio and Francis lead the way up the long curvy stair case. Gilbert and Ludwig stayed behind Lovino and Feliciano the whole way up to their rooms because they're going to have to start making a habit out of it. They walked through the long hallway that had several paintings, rugs, chandeliers, and other fancy decor similar to the decor downstairs to keep the theme. They soon found the first room, which was Feliciano's room. The door frame was hand sculpted and the door knob was a clear crystal, similar looking to a diamond. Everyone entered Feliciano's new room.

"Here we have Mr. Feliciano's room. Your grandfather came earlier last month to help us choose what to put in your room. He said that you loved to paint, so we have an art studio in the corner over there with many supplies like an easel, canvases, brushes, paints, and other things. We also got you a bed set with bed sheets, blankets, and pillows with the 'Starry Night' pattern by Vincent Van Gogh. There are many other things that your grandfather chose for you to discover." Antonio smiled and let Feliciano explore his room with Lovino.

"Damn, your room is big! Is my room this big?" Lovino asked, while picking up some paint brushes.

"Si, your rooms are similar in size, but the design is very different. You will see that Feliciano's room is set for him to paint because that's something that he loves to do. Your room is set for something that you love to do. Would you like to see you room now?" Antonio pointed to the room next door.

"Oh hell yeah. Let's go Feliciano! Come and see my room!" Lovino quickly ran to meet up with Antonio in the next room.

Everyone left Feliciano's room and poured into Lovino's room. Lovino was the first inside after Antonio opened the door for him. Lovino's eyes lit up and he smiled brightly.

"No way! How did grandpa know that I like to draw digitally?" Lovino asked as he made his way over to his new drawing studio on one side if his large room.

"Well, he saw the little doodles you did on your tablet and he thought you were amazing! It's pretty funny how you both draw the opposite mediums of visual art." Antonio laughed, "Feliciano draws traditionally and you, Lovino draw digitally, I thought that was interesting. Anyways, after you both settle into your new rooms, your side of the staff will show you around the mansion. How does that sound?"

"Great! Bye, frattello! I'll see you later!" Feliciano left with Ludwig, Kiku, and Yao, leaving Antonio, Francis, and Gilbert with Lovino.

(Haha, to explain the reasoning for the stuff in the Vargas's rooms is because obviously Feliciano is a traditional artist. I also have this head canon that Lovino isn't good at traditional art but he's really good with digital art, like maybe he's a graphic designer or something. So yeah, that's that XD)

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