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The students of Hogwarts had just learned about Amortentia, Slughorn decided his potions prodigy, Lily Evans would be sure to help out James Potter, who was taking Potions only because it was mandatory for an auror. So here we have Lily Evans and James Potter leaning over a finished cauldron of Amortentia together.
"I can smell a thing," complains James.
"Impossible! I'm 110% sure I got it right" exclaimed Lily.
"Well obviously not" replied James.
"Hmm, well perhaps I could smell something if you didn't use buckets of conditioner this morning."  Lily said, with an aggravated face.
James quickly shot back saying, "I wouldn't be the one to talk, the amount of rose perfume you're wearing is giving me an asthma attack."
They continued like this for ages, while the class started to lose their patiences. This is until Lily realised that she ran out of her rose perfume last week and James hadn't got a chance to shower this morning because Sirius was hogging the bathroom.

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