Negotionations and Offers

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Brian swam fast, hearing his friends behind him. Those fucking octopi stole his Brock, he wasn't going to let anything get in in the way of getting him back.

They reached the main city of their kingdom, Brian's home in the dead center. It was a very large underwater castle, one of the biggest in the 7 oceans. He swam with a purpose, ignoring the eyes on them, or rather the three humans with them.

"Where's Father?" He demanded once he reached the guards at the front, the mermans eyes widening at the sight of the three awestruck humans with them.

"He's in the throne room with your mother and sister, Sire," he answered and Brian nodded, swimming in.

"Sire! We can't let them in," the guard called, gesturing at the three humans. "They're coming, they're with me. They're my friends, now stand aside," Brian ordered, the merman hesitating before bowing and moving aside.

Brian led the way in, eyes focused in front of him. He swam into the throne room, his friends behind him. They stayed back as he approached his father, blue eyes burning with determination and stubbornness.

"Father, we have a problem," he said without a greeting, his father frowning. "Brian, what are these humans doing down here? Did you give them the blessing?" He demanded and Brian clenched his jaw.

"I did. I have other human friends we gave the blessing to also, and they've been taken by the Octopus kingdom. I need help getting them back," he said firmly and the king glared at him.

"How many humans?" He asked and Brian glowered back. "Including these three, 11 in total. 8 were taken by the octopi kingdom," he said and the King slammed his cane down angrily.

"We do not work with humans, Brian. They will have to perish, as will these three," he said firmly, gesturing some guards forward but Brian slammed his hands down on the table.

"They took Brock! I am not letting him die, do you understand father? I will storm the kingdom by myself if I have to, I am getting Brock back," he yelled, the water swirling angrily around him.

"You love him," his sister whispered and Brian clenched his jaw. "I do. I've known Brock for 6 months. He's the sweetest, kindest, most amazing being I have ever known. He's spent years rescuing sea life, cleaning the ocean he could see, and did an amazing job even before we gave him the blessing.

"All of our friends are incredible. We've watched them for years before we approached them. We watched them dive into the ocean to save a sea creature, to pick up litter, to save their friends. They dove into the water to save Daithi and Smiity a few months ago, before we gave them the blessing.

"I am saving them Father. With or without your help," Brian promised, hands clenched into fists.

"Your majesty, please. Brock has been my friend for years. He's hardworking, welcoming, kind, and fair. I'd do anything to get him and the others back," Matt said softly behind Brian, impressing the merman.

The king eyed them, Brian not breaking eye contact. "This human is special to you," he said softly and Brian nodded, swallowing hard.

"He's my everything, Father," he whispered and the king sighed. "Very well. I'll gather the warriors. Evan, go to your father and tell him I request his best warriors, at least two squads.

"I have conditions for doing this, Brian," the king said resigned as Evan swam quickly away. Brian frowned but nodded, curious.

"The humans must be turned by the next blue moon latest, we can't have too many humans with the blessings," he ordered and Brian blinked surprised.

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