Healing and Worries

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Brock sat on the edge of the bed, waiting impatiently. Chrissy had had a few problems and Brian had sent a message saying they couldn't come that day, so Brock had stayed at the hospital the 4 days the doctors had wanted him to stay anyway.

They were all currently in the hotel now though, Chrissy and Marcel going to pick their friends up. John had gone and seen Smiity the day before and the merman had told him they'd be in the cave by nightfall the next day.

It was currently almost midnight and Chrissy had sent a text to Tyler saying they'd picked up the merpeople and they were headed back.

They'd all chipped in to send clothes with them so they could dress properly, and Brock knew they probably felt weird. They'd sent sweatpants and loose shirts so nothing clung to them, but clothes would still feel weird.

"I see them!" Tyler said excitedly from where he was standing by the window. The people in the room perked up, everyone but Jon and Brock moving over to the windows.

Jon because he still couldn't walk, and Brock because his pain meds had worn off and his entire body was aching. So he sat and stared at the door, excitement filling him.

About 15 minutes later, the door opened. Chrissy walked in first, Brian and Evan on her heels. Brock lit up, Brian running over fast.

"Holy fucking shit you're okay!" Brian hissed as he grabbed Brock into a tight hug. Brock hissed in pain, but hugged the other back just as tight. He saw the other merpeople rushing over and giving everyone hugs, relief and worry in their expressions.

Brian let go at the hiss and said, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Holy fuck, you look bad." Brock chuckled and shrugged, looked at his hands and arms covered in bandages and healing burns.

"I'm alive though, that's all that matters. It's the risk every rig worker takes," he said reassuringly and Brian huffed, taking Brock's bandaged hands into his.

"I can try to heal this, it won't be 100% but I can still do something," he said and Brock bit his lip, nodding.

Brian started unraveling the bandages, Brock wincing at the tugging pain. Soon his hands were exposed, Brock averting his eyes to the swollen, red blisters on his fingers and the dead skin trying to come off.

"Oh, that is horrible," Brian breathed, eyes wide with sympathy. He very carefully touched the middle of Brock's palm, the human hissing at the burning pain that erupted.

But the pain slowly ebbed away, Brock watching wide eyed as the skin sealed and the burns faded. His hands were still covered in patchy scars, and he could tell there was still loads of places where the nerves were damaged, but as Brian traced over every inch of his hands, wrists and arms, the pain vanished.

"Holy fuck," Brock breathed, carefully flexing his fingers. He could feel the numb patches and the tension, but they didn't hurt anymore and he could use his hands. "Holy fuck, thank you so much," he whispered and Brian touched his cheek softly, smiling faintly.

"Where else are the burns?" He asked and Brock shook his head. "The rest aren't too bad, they can heal on their own. But you- you saved my hands, and that's more than I could have ever asked for," he said and Brian smiled faintly.

"Can you heal Jon and Tyler?" Brock asked and Brian nodded easily. "I can, that's why I'm here. To make sure you guys are okay," he said and Brock grabbed Brian's hand to kiss his palm.

Brian flushed and Brock smiled brightly at him, the merman clearing his throat and moving to Jon. Brock watched as Brian carefully healed Jon's leg and broken arm. "You'll have some weakness in both for a little you'll have to work with, but give it some time and you'll be fine. I'd keep the sling for maybe another week," Brian said and Jon nodded, grateful tears in his eyes.

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