𝙿𝙰𝚁𝚃 - 11

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It's been four days jungkook got free from all the mess and now he just want to back to Korea as soon as possible, he is happy that finally after 2 whole months he will able to meet his wifey, but tae don't know he is coming back because jungkook want to give him surprise so he told others not to tell him anything including jin who knows too..

After reaching to the airport they all went inside the plane after completing all the formalities and checking stuff, jungkook leaned on his chair want to sleep as it will be a long flight to korea..

''tae let's go outside''...jin said to tae who was listening to some music..

Jin huffed and took off tae's headphones who wasn't paying attention to him because of the loud music, tae whined and looked at him pouted..

''what hyung?''...tae sulked while jin rolled his eyes playfully

''wanna have ice cream?''...asked jin and chuckled seeing tae's sparkled eyes

''yes yes why not''...tae said smiling widely

''let's get going then''...jin said and waited for tae to wear his shoes and they both went out...

''i will drive''...said jin earning a nod

They both sat inside the car and made their way to the ice cream parlour with one car following them that made both to scoff they really can't go anywhere without guards..

Not too long after they reached tae went out and goes to take their favourite flavour, he picked up mint, strawberry and chocolate flavoured and lastly vanilla flavoured ice creams...

''why so many?''...jin asked noticing the no.of ice creams tae have bought

''ofcourse to eat hyung''.. tae replied in a duh tone

''yuh will catch cold tae''...jin said concerned removing the wrapper of his vanilla ice-cream...

''nothing will happen hyungie''...tae smiled humming at the taste of mint flavoured icecream...

''okay then''...jin simply said and they started talking and enjoying their dessert...


It was evening when tae got really bored so he thought to roam around garden, he took his phone and made his way to out, after reaching he let out an contented sigh as how comforting and peace is there, tae started walking slowly feeling the cold breeze on skin and with someone in his heart and brain whom he is missing a lot..

He kept walking when he felt someone's presence behind, tae frowned and turned around to see, but got surprised seeing his bunny standing infront of him with bunny smile

He kept walking when he felt someone's presence behind, tae frowned and turned around to see, but got surprised seeing his bunny standing infront of him with bunny smile

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Tae gasped smiled and throwed himself on jungkook who engulfed his wifey in a hug kissing the top of his head..

''i missed yuh so much''..tae said pulling from the hug

𝙼𝚊𝚏𝚒𝚊'𝚜 𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕 {𝚃𝙺} ✓Where stories live. Discover now