3 - Fucked Up Version of Sleeping Beauty

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Quote/Song Lyrics for this chapter are above!

Song for later on in the chapter is also above! It's a piano version of Barbie Swan Lake cause that's the best barbie movie along with Princess & the Pauper.

This chapter will be from Niklaus, Aestoria & Killian's perspectives

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This chapter will be from Niklaus,
Aestoria & Killian's perspectives.

Soooooo I fucked up a bit. Originally I thought there was maybe one more chapter before Klaus broke his curse. Nope. I apparently had two chapters smh. So if you see a few chapters removed or altered from the original version I had published that's why. I'm so sorry & I fixed it.

I definitely will use the chapter names later on for this story tho.

Also Aestoria will be at the end of this chapter maybe the beginning tbh cause I kinda want her to help Klaus with getting anything else prepared for his curse. Eeeekkkkkk I'm excited! 😆

I'm not sure what to ramble about except I started this chapter at 8am cause my raccoon looking cat decided to try to jump onto my dresser which has my tv on it to get to my flowers! 😤😮‍💨 Little shithead. I love him tho even if he's trying to eat the nice flowers I get myself cause I want pretty things! Anyways I'm just cranky that & I've got shark week kicking my ass 😭

Enjoy this chapter my wonderful weirdos! 🩵

Also petition to get Killian all the snacks in the world especially at the Salvatore's house! He deserves all the snacks! 😎😌🍟

-This chapter has not been edited or checked for spelling mistakes, so if there's mistakes lmk. I'll try to fix them once the entire story is complete.-

I was now out of my dirty suit and showering now.

What the hell happened back there? Why did I have that vision? Or was it a memory?

I didn't know.

I did want to know if I'm a reincarnation of that previous Killian man or some other weird thing?

I guess the universe decided to fuck with my head with making me dream of her for almost four and a half maybe five years now.

I sighed.

The warm water trickled down my body.

I leaned against the wall of my huge shower which I'd had remodeled last spring.

I wondered if maybe she's the real reason why Klaus hadn't killed me for calling him names other than his actual name.

I do that just to fuck with people or to just annoy people. It's mostly light hearted but others will get upset or will straight up ignore me.

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