"What do you want?" Virgil cringed a bit before shaking himself out of his thoughts. He moved a bit closer to the prince before trying to offer a smile. Roman just stared at him numbly without the slightest reaction. "Don't concern yourself with me." Virgil's heart dropped as Roman growled out his words. "I'll be fine" Virgil sighed as glanced over at the ribbon only for Roman to tense, clutching the red silk in his hand tightly.

"You should leave." Roman forced his words through his teeth, staring daggers into his wall, as Virgil froze up in shock. Virgil tried to shake his head and tell him no, but Roman growled lowly, stopping the human with a glare. "Get. Out." Roman hissed with a cold look in his eyes that shook Virgil to his core. Virgil nodded, his eyes filling with tears, as he just walked out. Roman visibly crashed as he just turned back to staring idly at the ribbon without the slightest idea of time passing him.

The door clicked shut and Virgil froze, tears falling from his eyes as this chill rocked through him. He couldn't take it anymore. A sob wrenched through his lips forcing him to slap his hand over his mouth as he took off running to his room. He slammed the door shut as every snapped and he broke down completely. He threw himself onto his bed and choked on his sobs as he clutched his pillow tightly. He just couldn't take it anymore. Everything broke and... and... he didn't know what to do and that scared him more than anything. Because if he didn't know what to do, then he didn't know how to fix it... and if he didn't fix it... then what would become of them?

Virgil laughed at himself, through the seemingly endless tears, as he stared off at the wall. He was honestly pathetic. This was all his fault and yet here he was crying about it. Still... He couldn't stop the tears that fell. All he could do was curl up and hope for sleep to take him quick.

The first thing Virgil did in the morning was cough. His throat was hoarse but his face was surprisingly dry of any tears. He could have sworn he fell asleep crying again. Had he wiped them away in his sleep... Virgil groaned. Now wasn't the time to start losing his thoughts over something so stupid as a lack of evidence of how he had been crying. Virgil just stared over at the wall, his tears building up again as everything started to fill his head again. He didn't want to get up. He didn't want to move at all. He wanted to melt into the bed and suffocate under the very cozy blanket.


Virgil frowned as he slowly shifted to look at the blanket that was tucked comfortably around him all the way to his shoulders. Now he knows for a fact that he did not have his blanket on him when he crashed the night prior. Which means someone had come in and tucked him in. Probably cleaned his face of all his tears while they were at it.

Virgil gently pushed himself up, noticing the cup of water that was placed on the nightstand and he smiled softly at the thought. A cup of water because they knew his throat would be sore from all the crying. Maybe it was Patton? He would understand considering he was a human. Then again Virgil wouldn't know why any of the others would even care.

Virgil gulped down the water gratefully before dragging himself out of bed. He sighed as he sluggishly carried the cup over to the dresser, just wanting to get himself up and dressed. Maybe if he did he would feel just a small bit better about the day. He set the cup down with a light clunk before looking up into the vanity mirror and just staring at his expression. His eyes were bloodshot from all the crying and slightly puffed up. But other than that, there wasn't a single other sign he had even cried at all.

Virgil frowned slightly seeing how his eyes were still that ever pitch black. He knew they weren't ever going to be hazel again. That this was the color fairyland made them to be but even still he expected to see someone different when he looked in the mirror. Not what he was now. He was still human, not quite changed enough to be considered fae. But... His hair had now darkened to a brown color, his eyes black with a very obvious red ring around the outer edge of the iris. His skin was still human-looking but he was back to looking an unhealthy pale. Honestly, he didn't know what he expected.

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