He turned to the counter picking up random dishes and taking them to the sink before finding a bracelet in front of him this time. It was a plain red beaded one that slipped onto the wrist. Virgil growled this time, putting it in his pocket as well since he couldn't refuse a gift, before tossing the cloth away and going to leave. The second he turned around his blood went cold finding himself staring at a lovely red scarf, in the hands of the very prince himself, who stood there blocking his path.

"Please?" Roman held the scarf out more as Virgil just glared at it without the slightest movement. "Please, Dear... Please wear it?" Virgil's eyes only darkened making Roman growl. The prince shoved the scarf into Virgil's arms before snapping his fingers and suddenly having a broach in his hand. It was ruby and diamond broach with golden laced over in beautiful wavey accents... you could almost miss how it was shaking just the slightest bit in Roman's fingers. "Is it because of WHAT I'm giving you that you won't wear it? If so then just tell me what you want and I'll give it to you-..." Virgil shook his head, a numb look in his eyes and Roman started to crash. "You really won't wear any of this?" Virgil shook his head again and Roman deflated, gently placing the broach over the scarf before just walking away.

Virgil sighed as he stared down at the gifts in his arms, that subtle burn of oncoming tears building up in him. There was a cough and Virgil's eyes darted over to the other fae in the room with a very obvious growl. They threw their hands up at the pointed glare Virgil gave them and shook.

"I won't say anything." Virgil huffed as he walked off in annoyance. He just couldn't care anymore.

Virgil honestly didn't know what to think. Once again he had woken up to a new outfit. A nice white silk shirt with a red ombre down the arms and hem, a dark red vest, and black slacks. He just didn't understand. Why would the prince care so much? It didn't make any sense. He wasn't worth any of this. All these gifts... Virgil would have told him to give it all to someone far more deserving but Roman told him he couldn't refuse a gift, and he didn't want to find out what would happen if he did.

Virgil quickly got dressed, doing his absolute best to avoid, any and all, red, before leaving his room as fast as he could. The top of his dresser was already covered in trinkets and gifts Roman had given him and he didn't want to spend any more time just staring at it all.

As he walked into Roman's room, he was surprised to see Roman was already up buttoning his shirt, having gotten himself ready before Virgil even woke up. Roman had a very tired look in his eyes as he finally glanced over Virgil just standing there in the doorway. The prince's eyes scanned over the other, seeming to darken more when he looked away, his fingers twitching subtly as he did.

"It's on the dresser." Roman's voice seemed almost hollow in a way as Virgil frowned and made his way closer. There was a ruby and gold rose armband that looped around in vines and gorgeous red flowers. Just another gift Virgil would never wear, and by the numb exhausted look on Roman's face, who wouldn't even look into Virgil's eyes, the prince knew that too. There was a soft sound and Virgil crashed feeling that hesitant shakey touch to his arm. "Dear?" Virgil swallowed his emotions as he slowly looked up to meet Roman's eyes but the prince just seemed... out of it. "Dear, I know you said the reason you aren't wearing any of my gifts... is not because of what the gifts were but..." Roman tensed subtly as he tried to work through his thoughts. "If you told me exactly what you wanted... W-Would you wear it then? If I let you choose... what it is... what it looks like... Damn it, Poppet, at this point, I would even enchant it with whatever you wanted, if it meant that you would wear it. A necklace that glows... Glasses that let you see through glamours. I don't care anymore as long as you'd be in red. Please? Tell me what I have to do to get you to wear red."

"Please, Dear? Please wear something red. Anything red." Virgil's eyes dropped to the floor and he could feel how Roman went lax. The prince's head rested against his own, the air seeming cold between them. "I will only ask once more, Dear. I will do whatever you need of me to see my color on you. So, please? Tell me what you need?" Virgil simply signed 'no', taping his pointer and middle finger against his thumb, and Roman pulled away. Sure he didn't know what sign language was but he knew what Virgil was saying regardless. "I told you before... when I gave you the bracelet... that I would not stop giving you gifts just to see you in red. Just because you refuse me doesn't mean I'll just stop." Roman's voice was barely a whisper and it took everything in Virgil to just stand there watching as the prince left without him.

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