"I... Uh... I don't know much about humans but usually when one makes a face like that it's not typically because of anything... good." Virgil simply waved him off as he over to the flowerbed to make sure everything was going well. "Hey! I didn't have to follow you, you know? I could have just let you fall." Virgil frowned in confusion as the figure forced him back to his feet. "Now when I talk, you at the very least much listen." Virgil's eyes only narrowed as he tilted his head making the grip on his arms slack just a bit. Virgil could almost make out the muted concern in their eyes... the confusion... the frown.

"Poppet?" Virgil's eyes rolled as he suddenly lost all the strength he managed to have, making Roman have to pull him against his chest to keep him from crashing to the ground. "Poppet!" Roman didn't understand what had happened. He didn't know a thing about humans. He didn't know what was wrong. All he knew was that Virgil was clearly in pain otherwise he would not have made that sound earlier OR have forced him to catch him now twice. He didn't know what to do. "P-Poppet?"

Roman cursed himself for actually stuttering but at the moment his main concern was the human in his arms. He was paler than when he had first come in. He was flushed and far hotter than he knew a human was supposed to be. Roman could tell Virgil was taking very shallow breaths and his heart sank. He didn't know what was wrong with him. The human very well could have been dying and he wouldn't know at all.

How is he supposed to keep his end of the deal if he knew so little about the species the man he was supposed to keep alive was a part of? Not to mention... seeing the human so pained and who knows what yet again... made that soft part of him come out all the more. Roman sighed as he picked Virgil up and cradled him against his chest, listening to every pant and whimper the human-made that seemed to stab into his chest, as he made his way back into the castle.

At first, Roman had taken Virgil back to his room. But the second he opened the other's door he was met with the overbearing cold. There was no vent. It was a storage room after all. It was never meant for any person to spend long in. That and the dust and grime that covered everything in such a thick haze, it was clear even to him that this room was not hospitable for anyone let alone a human still trying to get his strength and health up.

Roman groaned at himself as he quite literally used his magic to slam the door closed while making his way up to his room. Yes, he could have just taken Virgil to the infirmary as Patton would no doubt know what was wrong but for some reason, his thoughts wouldn't go that far. All his mind could focus on was the shivering Virgil was doing... the heat rolling off of the man's skin... the whimpers and cries through his desperate pants of breath.

Roman threw his door open the second he made it to his room, quickly laying Virgil yet again on his bed before carefully dropping to his knees with this worried look in his eyes. He may be human but Roman knew he would not be able to ignore how pained the other was. He never could stand to hear anything cry. He just never had that feeling towards a human before. And as upsetting as it was for that softness in his to be coming out for a human, he supposed it could have been worse than with a human that belonged to him. That's why he allowed it to take over. This human belonged to him, it would do him no good to hold himself back from caring for him like part of him wanted. There will come a time when he will become fae as well and then what? By the time that happens, the human will have learned to hate him... or worse be frightened. Normally Roman would care much for the thoughts of others but those of his inner circle as Virgil would no doubt have to become considering the deal... Roman couldn't stand to see contempt in their gazes whenever they were near.

"It's going to be ok, Poppet." Roman whispered as he brushed Virgil's sweat-soaked red hair back. "Patton will know what's wrong. It'll be ok." Roman swallowed up that side of him that was angry over being so soft towards a human. Now wasn't the time to have some sort of internal battle over this. Something was wrong with Virgil and that was all that mattered. "Just stay here and I'll send someone for him." Roman took a deep breath before pushing himself up off the floor. "It'll be just a moment and I'll be right back."

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