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☆ 79. Chapter 79font record

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Chapter 79

Sui Yi transported the mushrooms to the giant flower. Because the intelligent transporting machine could also wade through water, it saved her a lot of effort, but putting the mushrooms into the giant flower was not so easy. Sui Yi and Zhou Linlin together, I poured baskets of mushrooms into the giant flowers, and it took five or six minutes to pour them all.

After finishing pouring here, Sui Yi made an OK gesture to the aircraft above, and in the next second, goose-feather-like snow fell in a large area where the giant flower was!

Because Sui Yi and Zhou Linlin were standing so close, they unconsciously covered their eyes at this time. Artificial snow fell and almost submerged the pool. The giant flowers were gradually covered with snow. Zhou Linlin was clutching her heart the whole time, for fear of The snow froze the giant flowers to death.

She glanced at Sui Yi beside her, her expression was calm, and she slowly recovered. At this time, Sui Yi was like a needle that stabilizes the sea. As long as she is stable, no storms can upset her.

Sui Yi is indeed relatively calm, because she has been feeling uncomfortable since she set off. She now feels cool and soothed all over her body, and the previous anxiety has disappeared. It seems that mushrooms combined with snow can really alleviate the situation of giant flowers. It is only at this moment that Sui Yi can She felt that this trip was not in vain. At first, she was a little unsure whether the giant flower wanted these. At this time, she finally lost her worries and stared at the giant flower that was about to be submerged in the snow with bright eyes.

Qin Xiao, who was sprinkling snow on top, frowned unconsciously when he saw the pool of water and the huge flowers submerged in the snow. The last time he entered the yard, he didn't see this giant flower at all, let alone this one. A small pool of water, burying them with snow at this time, feels quite heartbreaking as if something valuable is being destroyed.

But as the snow fell more and more, the flowers below suddenly moved. The huge golden-red petals began to absorb the snow covering them. The snow slowly penetrated into the petals. For a moment, he even felt that the petals were glowing!

The snow slowly disappeared, but the inside of the petals became brighter and brighter. Colorful liquid like magma, mushroom-like juice was mixed with the golden red color of the flower itself. As the snow water entered, Qin Xiao could see the petals. The liquid inside slowly rose and did not stop until it was about to overflow.

Qin Xiao wanted to call Sui Yi and ask her if she wanted to stop sprinkling snow, but seeing that Sui Yi was not nervous at all, he gritted his teeth and refused to press the stop button. The aircraft continued to sprinkle snow, and the flowers below seemed to finally bear it. Unable to stop it, the liquid inside began to flow out and slowly merged into the light golden pool, like multicolored ink spreading on gold paper, beautiful and shocking.

The three of them were all staring at the colorful liquid, watching it overflow the entire pool, and the water in the pool completely turned into a colorful flowing liquid. At this time, Sui Yi and Zhou Linlin had retreated to the shore, where Qin Xiao was All the snow had been sprinkled, but the aircraft hovered in the sky but did not leave. Looking at the rather magical scene below, Qin Xiao's breathing became rapid.

Sui Yi didn't know what was going to happen in the next second. She just felt a sense of accumulation. She always felt that the liquid would explode when it accumulated to a certain extent. But she didn't say anything. She just pulled Zhou Linlin aside and stepped back. Some.

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